Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Joe Biden Keeps Telling You About The Coming ‘Dark Winter’, Did You Know That Phrase Is Connected To Event 201 And The COVID-1984 Plannedemic? by Lori DeMonia, What is very interesting is one of the players involved who we’ve heard much about in recent months, Johns Hopkins. The John Hopkins Center for Civilian Bio defense …
Donald J Trump WATCH: Sean Hannity on the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System, used in States where tens of thousands of votes were stolen from Donald Trump and given to Biden! end
The Dystopic Great Reset and the Fight Back: Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men by Joaquin Flores, November 11, 2020, The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the 4th Turning, the Great Awakening, and Artificial Intelligence. These are the real themes that are shaping the socio-political, cultural, and ideological landscape of …
Here Are The Details About The Nov. 14 Million MAGA March in D.C. by Ethan Huff, (Natural News) It is official: The “Million MAGA March” event is scheduled for this Saturday, Nov. 14 in Washington, D.C., and will proceed from the White House all the way to the Supreme Court in support of free and …
Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems by Joe Hoft, We’ve reported on numerous events in the 2020 election which are being referred to as system ‘glitches’ in the media. Last night we …
SGT Report Please support SGT Report on SubscribeStar: – As a deep dark world is being exposed, the swamp creatures are revealing themselves in ways never before seen. What we have seen is horrible. What we have learned is, they can be defeated. Man the battle stations Patriots, they have declared war on the …
The Duran Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected The Duran: Episode 730 Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn’t “Declassify Everything”… end
Sky News Australia Powerful interests are censoring the reporting of aspects of the US presidential election and are preventing a worldwide audience from hearing important information relating to voting in America says Sky News host Alan Jones. Mr Jones said on some media platforms “nothing negative” pertaining to Joe Biden is to be said or …
Wormwood Harbingers – Why Are So Many Asteroids Having Close Calls With Earth? by SkyWatch Editor, Have you noticed that it seems like stories about asteroids that are approaching the Earth are constantly in the news this year? It wasn’t always this way. In the old days, maybe there would be a story about …
Crush The Street TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW: – Mainstream media and precious metals collusion. – Gold and silver upwards projections. – Positioning for end of 2020 and 2021. end
WallStForMainSt Britain’s economy has been supported by a surge in debt-fueled spending by the government, and the Bank of England (BOE) is buying up many of those bonds. The increase in the size of the BOE’s asset-purchase program took it to 895 billion pounds, 50 billion pounds more than expected by most economists. – Bank …
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin back to the show. Andy likens Mondays hit on gold to a drive-by shooting. He says, “Physical demand has nothing to do with what we just saw on the Comex. This was done to create a perception of reality.” To subscribe to our newsletter and …
Kitco NEWS “The stock market is nothing what it was when I started 36 years ago. Back then, 90% of the trading was general public, people bought it because they wanted to be part owner of a company. Now, in my opinion, the stock market has become a very sophisticated, highly technology-driven casino,” said Peter …
RT In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the student loan debtors waiting for Biden to forgive their loans while government audits find the ‘open door policy’ on the no repay ‘loans’ from the Paycheck Protection Program led to widespread fraud. In the second half, Max continues his interview with …
RT From day one, Pres. Trump wanted to make America Great. He believe it was great before and he wanted it to be great again. The media, Democrats and even Republicans didn’t like his style, didn’t like him personally and didn’t care for his persona so they made it personal. Join Wayne, Leah, and Brian …
Sky News Australia Left-wing fact-checkers working for Facebook are censoring news and analysis critical of Joe Biden and stopping the public from seeing legitimate news coverage, according to Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton. “Traditionally, the social media platforms, particularly Twitter and Facebook, have always defined themselves to be platforms and not publishers, it’s a …