Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Glenn Beck Fox News’ Tucker Carlson challenged lawyer Sidney Powell last night for what he says is a failure to provide his team with clear evidence of election fraud. But speaking with Glenn this morning, Powell says her team DOES have “massive amounts of evidence…to the point we haven’t even had time to process all …
The Money GPS The financial system has been seeing much investment and increased volatility. More stocks have been moving higher, especially tech stocks as the dominate the index. Looking at ETF’s and passive investment there is more money, debt, margin flowing in. end
Liberty and Finance As the stock markets hits record highs while the real economy deepens its death spiral and the US and other countries approach a fiscal cliff, some analysts are warning about imminent risk of a banking crisis, or even the demise of fiat currencies, leading to a great “Financial Reset.” What will replace …
The Pentagon and the CIA Are in Charge of Foreign Policy by Jacob G. Hornberger, President Trump has announced that he is ordering a partial withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq during the waning days of his administration. Why only partial? And why now in the waning days of his presidency? After …
Macron’s Outreach to Russia Part of His De Gaulle-Like Plan to Free France & EU Partners from Status as Vassals of Washington by Glenn Diesen, Russia and France have different objectives, yet both recognise the need to push back against Turkey’s expansionism, the intrusive influence of the US, and the zero-sum security architecture in …
Arcadia Economics With more money printing than ever, and record silver and gold deliveries on the #COMEX this year, many are wondering how the traditionally large December delivery cycle will play out. In this week’s physical #silver and gold market update with #AndySchectman of Miles Franklin, he talks about what he’s expecting in December, how …
Kinesis Money In this week’s exploration of the gold and silver markets, Andrew Maguire reveals three fresh bullish drivers for physical silver that have emerged over the last fortnight. The precious metals expert shares the gold and silver options sweet spots ahead of next Tuesday’s options expiry, as well as a medium and long-term view …
Who is behind all the Deep State attacks on Donald Trump? The Satanic bloodlines of Europe. The Old Black Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy. – Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again by Matthew Ehret, Throughout the four-year drama of Russiagate, the hand of …
Fox News Tucker Carlson reacts to photos Governor Gavin Newsom eating indoors maskless after handing out guidlines to citiziens. #FoxNews #Tucker end
New Strains Of COVID Could Render Vaccines Completely Useless, And 2 Dangerous New Strains Are Already Spreading by Michael Snyder, What if all of the assumptions that people are making about this COVID pandemic are completely wrong? When Pfizer announced that they had developed a successful vaccine for COVID, the world cheered. And then …
SCIENCE FAIL: Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests Are Unreliable, Unlawful “Evidence” of Alleged Covid-19 Infections by Ethan Huff, (Natural News) Quarantining people based solely on a “positive” PCR test is no longer lawful in Portugal, thanks to a court decision ruling the test to be inherently unreliable, and thus fraudulent for policy-making purposes. – Citing …
“I Think We’ll Find He Had At Least 80 Million Votes!” Sidney Powell on The Magnitude of President Trump’s 2020 Win by Joe Hoft, Sidney Powell went on Newsmax Tuesday night and discussed the efforts of the Trump team to stop the attempted steal of the US Election by the Biden Campaign. – The …
What Is “The Great Reset”? by Michael Snyder, The Internet sure has been buzzing about “the Great Reset” lately. That term has been trending on Facebook and Twitter, and the New York Times even published an article dismissing it as a “conspiracy theory”. But it is definitely no conspiracy theory. I was determined to get …
Ben Swann Georgia Recount is a Disaster, Thousands of Ballots Found, Thousands More “Pristine” Check out our sponsor for this episode Kim Daly Watch our 25 min interview with Kim here:… end
Fox News Tucker Carlson exposes American corporations for teaming up to censor political opponents. #FoxNews #Tucker end
SkyWatch TV States are reinstating restrictions like curfews, quarantines, and mask mandates—in some cases, even in private homes—as new COVID-19 cases continue to rise. The World Economic Forum is using the fear to push its socialist Great Reset agenda, which includes the elimination of privacy and private property. – 5) Mainstream media quiet on voting …
maneco64 Today we will look at how some of the richest men in the world are diversifying away from paper assets into hard assets. We will also see how learning from history helps one forecast what could be coming ahead in terms of our monetary system. – Fiat Money Inflation in France (free pdf):… …