Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
The Rigging Triangle Exposed: The JPMorgan-British Petroleum-Bank Of England Cartel Full Frontal! by Tyler Durden, The name Dick Usher is familiar to regular readers: he was the head of spot foreign exchange for JPMorgan, and the bank’s alleged chief FX market manipulator, who was promptly fired after it was revealed that JPM was the …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 30, 2014 Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 12.30.2014 – Consumer confidence misses expectations. Home prices, existing sales, new sales and mortgage applications are all falling. Case Shiller not a good time to invest in real estate. Obama admits the US is …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 30, 2014 The UN Security Council has failed to adopt the Arab coalition’s bid calling for the creation of a Palestinian state and an end to Israeli “occupation”. The US and Australia voted against the move with 5 abstentions. – It doesn’t take a genius to know who are standing on the …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 30, 2014 The two countries will now use ruble and yuan in their transactions. The agreement signed in late October came into force as of Monday. The deal provides a currency swap of 150 billion yuan which is equal to nearly 25 billion dollars. The accord is valid for 3 years, …
Global Sea Ice Area Second Highest On Record! by , 29 Dec 2014 December 26 global sea ice area is second highest on record. The exact opposite of what experts both predicted and report. – [scribd id=46238620 key=key-dewfg7rpdnn77gix8k2 mode=scroll] end
The Renewed Push For Deeper North American Integration! by Dana Gabriel, Activist Post The globalist plan to incrementally merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union has been ongoing for years. While at times the agenda appears to have seemingly stalled, current efforts to expand the trilateral partnership show that it is …
Europe Beware! WWIII Could Destroy Europe for the Third Time in a Century! by Peter Koenig, Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, …
Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Has Shaped 2015 to be a Year of Conflict! Nuclear War Could Be the Outcome! by The Outlook for the New Year Dear Readers: The conflict that Washington has initiated between the West and Russia/China is reckless and irresponsible. Nuclear war could be the outcome. Indeed, Washington has been preparing …
Man Asked To Speak To Chinese Officials Warns 2015 Collapse To Dwarf That Of 2008! by Today a legend who was recently asked by the Chinese government to give a speech to government officials in China warned King World News that the 2008 collapse was merely a dress rehearsal for what the world will …
Chain Reaction of Problems Coming In 2015: “Collapse Will Be On A Scale That Is Many Magnitudes Greater Than 2008″! by Mac Slavo, December 29th, 2014, If you’re like most Americans, then you are absolutely loving the price you paid this week for a gallon of gas. Just a couple of years ago it was …
[youtube=] U.S. Airdrops Weapons to ISIS as Iraqi Army Makes Gains! by Kurt Nimmo | Airdrop follows “errant” delivery of weapons in October Iranian state media claims U.S. military aircraft have once again dropped weapons in areas held by the Islamic State. – Iraqi volunteers fighting against IS in the Yathrib and Balad districts …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 29, 2014 Though no solid evidence yet exists, many discoveries in 2014 are giving scientists strong reasons to suspect that life may have existed on Mars at some point in the past. RT’s Ameera David takes a look at the three biggest Martian stories of 2014 to explain. – The psyop …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 29, 2014 Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 12.29.2014 – Greece elections have been put off until January. Central bankers are threatening Greece with Cyprus style bail-ins. Store closing begin for 2015. Is the US and Saudi Arabia behind the tumbling oil …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 29, 2014 The final draft of Palestine’s statehood resolution is about to be submitted to the UN. It calls for an end to Israel’s West Bank occupation, and its full withdrawal within two years. RT’s Marina Portnaya reports. end
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Note: The book is also posted bottom of post, SCRIBD format. The world is ruled by a Satanic cabal. WW1 and WW2 were engineered by them to drive the world towards World Government. Out of WW1, the League of Nations came about. Out of WW2, we got the United Nations. The soon coming WW3 will …
Chickenpox Vaccine When Mandated INCREASES Disease Outbreak, South Korean Study Finds! by Sayer Ji, Founder, Why, if the vaccines work, is South Korea experiencing year after year increases in chickenpox (varicella) outbreaks as their mandated vaccine uptake (97%) reaches close to universal compliance? – In 2005, the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine was mandated in South …
How New York Times conceals Israeli violence against Palestinians! by Ali Abunimah, Those wishing to shield themselves from such truths should continue reading The New York Times. – The massive upsurge of Israeli violence against Palestinians is invisible to The New York Times. – Two recent stories in The New York Times involve violence …
US Media Propagandizes Against Vladimir Putin, for “Regime Change” in Russia! by Eric Zuesse, The Role of National Public Radio (NPR) On Friday, December 26th, National Public Radio aired two superbly done pieces of anti-Russia propaganda, which could as well have been written by the U.S. CIA, or by Voice of America, it was …
New York Times: Enemy of Truth! by Stephen Lendman, The Times is America’s leading establishment publication. Its longstanding history is unprincipled. Supporting wealth, power and privilege. At the expense of populist interests. – Functioning as a quasi-official propaganda ministry. Offering a daily diet of managed news misinformation rubbish. On issues mattering most. It bears repeating …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 28, 2014 Alt Media trumps the highly paid mockingbird media CIA/CFR hacks in 2014 and beyond. We talk with Truthstream Media’s Aaron Dykes about the year that was and the future that will be. – For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers …
China Extends Forwards, Swaps Trading to Three More Currencies! by China will allow trading in forwards and swaps between the yuan and three more currencies in a bid to reduce foreign-exchange risks amid increased volatility in emerging markets. – The China Foreign Exchange Trade System will begin such contracts with Malaysia’s ringgit, Russia’s ruble, …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 28, 2014 As early as the end of the world community on the 15th of this month predicted AirAsia aircraft to happen, repeatedly warned people away from Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia away, saying, “Do not listen to the words, over a period of time after the accident pulls this post, it …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 28, 2014 As if the American people needed more evidence that the Obama administration’s Justice Department was out of control after six years of non-stop scandals, it was recently revealed that the DOJ was funding a “community” organization linked to a controversial rap music video glorifying the murder of New York …
[youtube=] Gerald Celente: 2015 Forecast – Manipulation, Depression and War! by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Trends researcher Gerald Celente predicts one of his top trends in 2015 will be manipulation–of everything. Celente explains, “It’s the grand manipulation of the markets and the news, and it just keeps spreading. There is manipulation of the …