Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Revelation 12 New King James Version (NKJV) The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon 12 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 30, 2016 Israel has demolished three Palestinian homes in a village in the occupied Negev region. The three houses were destroyed after Israeli forces stormed the village of Bir Haddaj and forcefully evacuated the residents. A committee supporting the Arab population in Negev says the attack on Arab Bedouins and opposing …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 30, 2016 Parents of a German teenager may face a trial and fine for “truancy” after refusing to allow their son to go to a local mosque on a school field trip out of fear that it would lead to his “indoctrination” by Islamic radicals. end
[youtube=] Published on Oct 30, 2016 Lithuania has printed out a 75-page guide to be issued to its citizens in preparation for a potential incursion from the east. The pamphlet promises to turn an ordinary resident into a novice guerilla fighter. end
[youtube=] US-Russian War Tensions Mount Over Eastern Europe And Syria by Bill Van Auken, NATO defense ministers convened a two-day meeting in Brussels Wednesday to thrash out final plans for the deployment of some 4,000 combat troops organized in four battle groups within striking distance of Russia’s border. – These front-line forces are to …
Russia is Hoarding Gold at an Alarming Rate — The Next World War Will Be Fought with Currencies by Jay Syrmopoulos, Moscow, Russia – With all eyes on Russia’s unveiling their latest nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which NATO has dubbed the “SATAN” missile, as tensions with the U.S. increase, Moscow’s most potent “weapon” may …
Gold Is Going To Play A Role In A New Monetary System. Interview Koos Jansen by ‘Dutch Financial Times’ by Koos Jansen, Original source at Financieel Dagblad, published 29 October 2016. Translated by Koos Jansen. … “The whole world is now in the same boat. Everywhere there are low interest rates and on all continents money …
Will The EU Survive The Year? Crisis-Plagued Bloc Faces EXISTENTIAL Crisis in 2017 by CYRUS ENGINEER, THE EU is facing multiple existential crises and the future of the Brussels bloc could hinge on the fate of the French, German and Dutch elections in 2017. – Euroscepticism, partly fuelled by Britain’s historic vote to leave the …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 29, 2016 Alasdair MacLeod from Gold Money joins Silver Doctors to reveal banks are increasing their lending of money. If more money is lent, there will be more money in the system, causing price inflation. Will the Fed raise interest rates to prevent this inflation? MacLeod says the Fed is too …
Italy’s Banking System on Verge of Nervous Breakdown by Don Quijones, The “Doom Loop” resurges. One of the best indicators of whether a financial crisis is in full swing is when senior insiders begin to lose it in public. That’s precisely what happened in Italy on Thursday when Italian senior banker Giuseppe Guzzetti gave a …
Who is Merkel working for? I seriously doubt it is the German people. Fury as German Primary School ‘Forces’ Children to Chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Muslim Prayer by ZOE EFSTATHIOU, PUPILS at a primary school were forced to chant “Allahu Akhbar” and “there is no God but Allah”, an appalled father has claimed. – The …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 28, 2016 Hillary Clinton was caught on tape proposing rigging an election back in 2006 when she was trying to get re-elected to the Senate. The audio, recorded by Eli Chomsky of the Jewish Press which he just released, contains her suggesting rigging the Palestinian election, a remark that is now …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 29, 2016 Wikileaks docs:…… Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Send us YOUR footage by visiting the contact links below, and help us continue the good …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 26, 2016 UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee has passed a resolution that re-affirms the Islamic nature of the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem al-Quds. The resolution also condemns Israel for acts against Islamic holy sites in the city. It slams the aggressions by the Israeli occupation authorities. The majority of the 21-nation …
[youtube=] Published on Oct 28, 2016 EU CETA trade deal still has its problems and the sticking point is the secret court systems. The founding fathers would have never agreed to political correctness. Leaked memo shows George Soros was a preparing a color revolution in certain Asian countries. Germany sending tanks to the border of …
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[youtube=] Published on Oct 28, 2016 Russia is training millions domestically for WWIII, the Clinton campaign has gone to drastic measures to appear as if they are still alive, the spy state is taking another step forward, and perhaps the answer to National Anthem protests is revealed. end
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[youtube=] Published on Oct 28, 2016 Three-party talks have wrapped up in Moscow, where the foreign ministers of Russia, Syria and Iran discussed how to re-launch the political process in Syria. President Assad’s political and media advisor, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, talks to RT about the main challenges. end