Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Beware of the Chinese government's proposal for a global QR code system. An initial focus on health could easily become a Trojan Horse for broader political monitoring and exclusion, akin to the dangers associated with China's social-credit system. — Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) November 23, 2020 At Virtual G20, Communist China Dictator Xi Jinping Calls …
Expansion And Mass Eviction: Israel ‘Takes Advantage’ of Trump’s Remaining Days in Office by Ramzy Baroud, In a few words, a close associate of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, summed up the logic behind the ongoing frenzy to expand illegal Jewish settlements in Israel. – “These days are an irreplaceable opportunity to establish our …
Docs for Sale: US Government Issues Rare Fraud Alert as Big Pharma Spends Billions Bribing Medics to Prescribe Their Drugs by Ashley Frawley, Health officials hope the move will push the drug giants to end their lucrative, thinly veiled ‘speaker programs’ for favored doctors. Fat chance – it’s too profitable a business for them, …
America’s Elites — Not Trump — Are Responsible for Undermining American Democracy by Tho Bishop, It is an overplayed cliché to refer to the insanity of the current year. Still, 2020 manages to surprise. It is increasingly looking like 2020 has created the greatest challenge to democratic legitimacy in the past century. – Today …
Bretton Woods 2.0 is Knocking at Our Door, And It’s Not Here To Help by CHARLIE SHREM, A second Bretton Woods era will be even more centralized and even further from a true democracy. – Barely 100 years ago at the start of the 20th century, people were able to exchange dollars for gold …
The Duran Sidney Powell’s strategy to save the Republic & the Tucker Carlson distraction The Duran: Episode 801 Powell: Servers were ‘confiscated’ from electronic voting company ‘in Germany,’ and ‘it was our forces that got’ them… end
Miles Franklin In 2020, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway bought a top gold stock.* In Q2 2020, Ray Dalio’s hedge fund bought $400 billion in gold.** Institutional investors are moving into gold and 2020 “gold is becoming mainstream again,” says Ronni Stöferle. end
The Triumph of Mankind Over the Great Reset: Guns, Books, and the Social Contract by Joaquin Flores, In The Dystopic Great Reset and the Fight Back: Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men , our Part I, we developed on our previous essays on planned obsolescence and the problems of the old paradigm …
TruNews was live. on Friday · Checkmate: SCOTUS Reassigns Trump-Appointed Justices to Key Election States -Today on TruNews we discuss the significance of the decision to place constitutionalist Supreme Court justices in charge of the circuit courts in the contested states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. We also address the dust-up between Sidney Powell …
aminutetomidnite The Great Reset has been called just a Conspiracy theory” by some. But the billionaire elite class and major institutions have been pushing this agenda openly. end
SilverDoctors Jim says there is a “hot war” between the White Hats at the NSA and the Deep State, and you won’t believe who Jim says the good guys may have just taken out… Welcome back to Part II. Click here for Part I:… – Part II begins with Jim giving some background on …