US To China: ‘Infrastructure Bank’ This! – Test-Fires ICBM As A “Visual To The World”!
- US To China: ‘Infrastructure Bank’ This! – Test-Fires ICBM As A “Visual To The World”!
by Tyler Durden,
With allies migrating en masse to China’s new infrastructure bank (and even the US having to admit it will ‘cooperate’), it appears America has fallen back on what has worked for it in the past to ensure the world’s largest creditor remains the world’s reserve currency ad inifinitum – rattle its nuclear missile sabre… As the following clip shows, The US Air Force just test-fired a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from California, providing a “visual to the world.”
As RT reports, an intercontinental ballistic missile was fired early Monday from a facility in California, the US Air Force announced, saying the tests were a message to the world about Washington’s nuclear capabilities.
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