How the U.S. Is Allied with ISIS & Al Qaeda!

- How the U.S. Is Allied with ISIS & Al Qaeda!
by Eric Zuesse,
The United States is allied with Sunni Moslem aristocracies (and therefore with Sunni-headed nations), against Shia Moslem aristocracies (and therefore also against Shia-headed nations). Sunni aristocracies provide the huge ($1 million and larger) financial donations that sustain ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other jihadist armed movements, commonly called “terrorists.”
Islamic terrorism is virtually entirely a phenomenon of Sunni Islam, and the U.S. is allied with the aristocracies that fund it.
The only major Shia organization that is even slightly comparable to those Sunni terrorist organizations is Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon and answers to Shia Iran; but, as wikipedia has noted:
“The Gulf Cooperation Council,[15] Canada,[16] and Israel[17] have classified Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, though in 2015 an assessment from the U.S. director of National Intelligence removed it from its list of terror threats.[18] The European Union and New Zealand have proscribed Hezbollah’s military wing, but do not list Hezbollah as a whole as a terrorist organization.[19][20] “
The Gulf Cooperation Council, Canada, and Israel, are all, like the Sunni aristocracies are, U.S.-allied, not Russia-allied. They all want Hezbollah to be thought of as if it were like Al Qaeda, etc., so as to be able to hide the U.S. aristocracy’s alliance with the very same aristocrats who are funding global jihad, but they know that it’s just a lie. They know that global jihadism is essentially just a Sunni movement, which has its roots in the U.S.-Saudi alliance backing of the Mujahideen guerillas in Afghanistan during 1979-1989, as part of the West’s war against communism, which war now turns out to have been actually, in the real intent of the U.S. aristocracy, a still-ongoing war against Russia, because America’s NATO military alliance has continued on, long after the U.S.S.R.’s Warsaw Pact military alliance dissolved and ended entirely in 1991. Every single moment of NATO’s continued existence beyond that moment in time has been a clear indication that America’s aristocracy hope actually to conquer Russia — that anti-communism was, for them, just an excuse for their war to conquer the U.S.S.R., a war which is now raging hot again in the very bloody Ukrainian anti-Russian coup and follow-on Ukrainian civil war, and with preparations on both sides for an outright nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Because it’s all based on lies.
Islamic terrorism is allied with the U.S., not with Russia. (Russia experiences it in places like Chechnia.) Sunni extremists were even key U.S.-Saudi tools in weakening Russia and ending the U.S.S.R. This (and especially the Saudi aristocracy’s funding of Al Qaeda) is the reason why the U.S. White House refuses to allow the blocked 28 pages of the U.S. Senate’s Feinstein terrorism/torture report to be made public. The U.S. White House is, and has been at least since 2000, and maybe even before that, controlled by the U.S. aristocracy, no longer by the public. The U.S. Federal Government is, already, a dictatorship — actual rule by the country’s aristocracy or “oligarchs” — no authentic democracy anymore. This is a scientifically proven fact. Democracy in this country is now merely mythological, whatever the case might possibly have been before (when there were unfortunately no rigorous scientific studies yet regarding the question).
Sunni Islam is comprised of the Wahhabi variety and its offshoots, and it is comparable, in the Christian context, to fundamentalist or literalist Christianity, the extremist form of its own faith. That’s what the U.S. has been allied with after 1945.
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