Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Mar 8, 2015 Ashraf Shannon, Press TV, Gaza After years of blockade and Israeli wars that have taken their toll on the infrastructure of the Gaza Strip hope is fading for the region’s population of around 1.8 million. While unemployment and poverty are rising, living conditions are declining. – Gaza’s sole power …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 8, 2015 In a shocking comment, the Israel foreign minister has said that those Palestinians in Israel who are not loyal to the Israeli regime must be beheaded. Avigdor Lieberman said those who are supporting Tel Aviv deserve everything, but the heads of the opponents must be chopped off with an …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 8, 2015 Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was aware a Liberal MP was suspected of sexually abusing boys but “turned a blind eye” to it. She awarded a knighthood to Cyril Smith, secret documents, released after a yearlong fight for disclosure, reveal.–“There is no doubt about it now, from what we …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 6, 2015 Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 3.06.2015 – Greece will begin collecting taxes from the people. 100 families evicted daily in Spain. Unemployment rate down to 5.5%. Americans not in the labor force increases to 92.9%. Secretive TPP will give …
[youtube=] Published on Mar 6, 2015 Darrin McBreen explores the coming of the Mark of the Beast. RFID microchips implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory. Meanwhile the European Union and U.S. Cybercom develop plans for a worldwide standardized Internet ID system. Will you accept the mark of …
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CIA reshuffle features ‘mission centers’, cyber-warfare to ‘cover the entire universe’! by The Central Intelligence Agency has announced a sweeping reorganization, introducing a new Directorate dedicated to cyber-espionage and establishing ten new cross-directorate ‘mission centers’. – The CIA’s new cyber-division will be called the Directorate of Digital Innovation. It joins the four existing Directorates: …
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[youtube=] “Iran doesn’t frighten me and I don’t think it should frighten the American people. They don’t have a bomb. They haven’t made a decision to build one. They don’t have the means to deliver one. And the Israelis have 300 atomic bombs! I mean who presents the existential threat to whom?” – Pat Buchanan …
The “Cataclysmic Conflict” Yet to Come! by Tony Cartalucci | Land Destroyer, via And what we can do to stop it. Corporate-financier interests driving US foreign policy have long ago conspired to use Al Qaeda and other sectarian extremist forces to create a Pan-Arabian mercenary force with which to fight their enemies. Warned about …
Obscure TPP Provision Will Lead to Corporations Replacing Nations As the Rulers of the Planet! by Dave Hodges, An obscure Trans Pacific Partnership provision will serve to threaten the very existence of the nation state and replace governmental authority with the power and the whim of the corporation. This secretive provision promises to supplant …
The new London gold fix and China! by Alasdair Macleod, This month the physical gold market will undergo radical change when the four London fixing banks hand over the twice-daily fix to the International Commodity Exchange’s trading platform on 20th March. – From 1st April the Financial Conduct Authority will extend its powers from …
The Unthinkable: Possible Nuclear War with Russia! by Stephen Lendman, Lunatics running things in Washington make anything possible. Obama looks like Bush on steroids. Neocons infest his administration and Congress. Permanent war on humanity more than ever is official US policy. – Ukraine is ground zero. Ongoing conflict risks the unthinkable – direct US confrontation …
Paul Craig Roberts: Another Dubious Jobs Report! by According to the payroll jobs report today (March 6) the economy created 295,000 new jobs in February, dropping the rate of unemployment to 5.5%. However, the BLS also reported that the labor force participation rate fell and the number of people not in the labor force …
NATO is using Ukraine crisis to advance towards Russian borders – Defense Ministry! by NATO is using the situation in Ukraine to push closer to Russia’s border, according to the Russian deputy defense minister. He says the Alliance’s activities have expanded considerably over the past years. – In their push, Anatoly Antonov says Allied …
This entire episode between Europe and US is the setting up of the future war between the Mystery Babylon Whore(America 2.0) and 10 Horn Beast (Revived Roman Empire EU 2.0) of Revelation 17. – Revelation 17:16-17 New King James Version (NKJV) 16 And the ten horns which you saw on[a] the beast, these will hate the harlot, …
We Are About To Witness Orchestrated Financial Destruction And Social Unrest That Is Beyond Imagination! by Today a 40-year market veteran sent King World News an incredibly important piece that warns the world is about to witness orchestrated financial destruction and social unrest that is beyond imagination. This piece exclusively for KWN also discusses why …