David Icke: The Goal of the ISIS Psyops is WW3 & Then a New World Order!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Euro In Freefall, Dollar Surge Accelerates; Futures Rebound On USDJPY Rise; Greece On The Ropes! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com While the dollar strength this morning, which has pushed it to a fresh 13 year high and has accelerated the EURUSD plunge to under 1.06 – a drop of over 300 pips since the start of …
EU Censures Israel for Demolishing Shelters in East Al-Quds / Jerusalem! by http://www.presstv.com/ The European Union has condemned the Israeli regime for demolishing EU-financed shelters in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). – “We condemn today’s demolition of temporary shelters,” which had been put up on the outskirts of the Isawiya neighborhood of East Al-Quds, an EU statement said on Tuesday. – EU financial …
Splitting the Atlantic Alliance: NATO Lies and Provocations! by MIKE WHITNEY, http://www.counterpunch.org/ “The war has been provoked to destroy the Russian World, to draw Europe into it, and to surround Russia with hostile countries. Unleashing this world war, America is trying to deal with its own internal problems.” – Sergei Glazyev, Advisor to Russian President …
The Republican Senators Push for World War III ! by Global Research News, http://www.globalresearch.ca/ An Open Letter to the Republic of Iran from a cabal of 47 U.S. senators, written in the interests of the Israel lobby in Washington, on how ‘American democracy’ actually works to satisfy the demands of a foreign state to the …
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj2b-j86eac] Published on Mar 10, 2015 Alex Jones and David Knight discuss how the vaccine court recently was forced to pay over $2,000,000 to the victim of a vaccine injury. end
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l36BBu8aVvI] Published on Mar 10, 2015 Over a hundred American armoured vehicles have rolled into Latvia, as NATO steps up its military activity just 300 kilometres from the Russian border. The move has been described by a senior U.S. military official as a demonstration of the ability to deter the threat from Moscow. end
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIv9rEa38f4] Published on Mar 10, 2015 Fresh claims of Russian aggression have been issued by the UK’s Foreign Secretary. Philip Hammond described Moscow as being possibly the single-greatest threat to Britain’s security. RT’s Polly Boiko has more from London. end
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OGrfomhEI4] Published on Mar 9, 2015 The technology has been around for some years now, but the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) chips and other beneath-the-skin implants has only recently become more widespread. – A high-tech office complex in Sweden is now offering tenants’ staff the option of having a small RFID chip implanted in …
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtWVZRNKF58] Published on Mar 10, 2015 The United States is creating false intelligence in the Baltic region in order to show that Russia would increase its military actions in the area, says political analyst Joaquin Flores. Flores made the remarks in an interview with Press TV Monday when asked about US arms shipment to the …
Iran to ‘Wipe Israel off the map’? Read the 600 words for yourself to confirm US/Israel CRIMINAL war lies! by Carl Herman, http://www.washingtonsblog.com/ The origin of claims that Iranian President Ahmadinejad threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” is his October 30, 2005 speech. The crystal-clear content and context prove this claim is false, and …
Netanyahu’s Crime Isn’t Playing Politics – It’s Warmongering! by Branko Marcetic, http://antiwar.com/blog After weeks of buildup, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finally delivered his long-planned speech to a joint meeting of Congress, attacking President Obama’s deal with Iran over the latter’s nuclear program. Asserting that the agreement would only empower Iran to become nuclear armed, …
Corporate Media Ignores Report of U.S. and Israeli Operatives Arrested Aiding ISIS! by Kurt Nimmo | www.Infowars.com More evidence U.S. and Israel directly aiding ISIS A story over the weekend stating American and Israeli military advisors were arrested in Iraq aiding ISIS was not reported by the establishment media. – According to Iraq’s Sarma News …
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I do not submit to the view that “Cash is King”. All paper assets will collapse in value. The safe haven is physical gold and silver. – Six Days Until Bond Market Crash Begins?! by EconMatters Run for the Exits Today early in the morning, realizing this was going to be a robust selloff in equities, the …
Russian War Aggression in Ukraine? It’s Fiction! by Michael S. Rozeff, http://www.lewrockwell.com/ All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved …
German Intel: Breedlove is Bonkers! by Daniel McAdams, http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/ What happens when a close friend starts acting so bizarrely that you need to gently extract yourself from his ravings lest you be tarred with the same brush — or worse? That is the position in which Germany is increasingly finding itself, as the US government’s strange …
Former SEC Director Admits The Truth: The Market Is Rigged! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com For more than a decade, John Ramsay kept his mouth shut about how rigged the US equity market was. – As SEC Director of Trading & Markets, Ramsay tells Bloomberg her “had red tape over his mouth,” but now he is …