Prepare Now: The Dollar’s Crash Is Only Just Beginning
- Prepare Now: The Dollar’s Crash Is Only Just Beginning
by Mac Slavo, September 1st, 2020,
It’s time to make preparations for a complete dollar collapse. It’s being destroyed by design, but we are experiencing now in the economy is only the beginning. The rest of this year will be chaotic at best.
The greenback’s recent weakness “is the beginning of a very large move” that could hurt the droves of investors exposed to it through their holdings in United States stocks and bonds, Ulf Lindahl said. The end of the dollar is imminent. It will happen. It’s best to prepare now.
Wake Up! The Dollar Is Being Destroyed By Design!
The Federal Reserve’s constant money creation is going to make things difficult for most in the coming year. We could even see the pressure to use their new digital dollar within the next year too, which will be a system of slavery. It’ll be up to us to make sure we do not accept or use their new digital dollar, but many will choose too, especially if it’s tied to free money or universal basic income.
Lindahl’s research breaks down the dollar’s fluctuations over the decades into 15-year cycles that show the greenback weakening sharply against the euro before recovering most of the losses.
Though the dollar’s drop has slowed in recent weeks, that’s “really an opportunity to get out of the dollar,” he said.
Most bearish investors expect the dollar to depreciate on the back of stronger economic growth prospects outside the United States, rock-bottom U.S. interest rates, and concerns that programs to allay the coronavirus pandemic’s economic fallout are inflating fiscal deficits. –Reuters
As we’ve said before, gold and silver will be the best way to prepare, have something barterable, and hold real money. If you want to get into cryptocurrency, now might be a good time.
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