US Destabilising Syria with More Weapons
- Syria did not attack America nor the west. Neither did Syria threatened American nor western interests. So what America and their western partners are doing in Syria is illegal. It is a war crime. ISIS, Al Qaeda … are CIA jihadists. No country, apart from Russia, was invited by Syria to aid in the war against these terrorists. So US, UK and France are violating Syria’s sovereignty by deploying their air force to bomb Syria.
– - US Destabilising Syria with More Weapons
The United States and its coalition partners have air-dropped tonnes of weapons to militants fighting inside Syria, according to a US military spokesman.
A US official has confirmed that 50 tonnes of ammunition have been delivered to “moderate” militant groups whose leaders were “appropriately vetted by the United States and have been fighting to remove Daesh from northern Syria.” Russia has also been carrying out airstrikes of its own and launching long-range cruise missiles from warships in the Caspian Sea, killing hundreds of terrorists fighting the Syrian Government.
US officials say Russia has targeted US-backed militants and other extremist groups. However, the Obama administration cannot easily defend those it secretly armed, officials say. The CIA began its covert operation in 2013 to arm, fund and train terrorists to overthrow the Assad government. However, there seems little prospect of rescue for these CIA-backed militants.
