Strategy Now in Place for Systemic Financial Collapse as Federal Reserve Expands ‘Too Big to Fail’ Bailout Practices … Globalists Positioning for Collapse!
- Strategy Now in Place for Systemic Financial Collapse as Federal Reserve Expands ‘Too Big to Fail’ Bailout Practices … Globalists Positioning for Collapse!
by L.J. Devon,
(NaturalNews) The 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law gave the Federal Reserve central bank the power to loan out large sums of money (hundred of billions of dollars) to individual companies that had failed in the marketplace and had become insolvent. The Dodd-Frank law allowed the Federal Reserve to be a puppet master of the economy. It gave a small group of globalist bankers the power to hand out bailouts to the big play makers on Wall Street. This is the opposite of free market capitalism.
For example, the Federal Reserve bailed out AIG and Citigroup Inc. when the companies failed, and couldn’t pay their debts. The FED also bailed out JPMorgan Chase & Co after they risked it all and failed buying Bear Stearns, which was on the brink of collapse. Dodd-Frank essentially took all the risk out of doing business, allowing the largest companies in the US to become “too big to fail.”
Federal Reserve destroying the value of the currency, accelerating income inequality
As the Federal Reserve printed erroneous amounts of money to bail out companies that had failed, they were simultaneously inflating the currency and destroying the value of the dollar. This kind of free-for-all money printing by the Federal Reserve negatively impacts lower income families the most, as costs for staple goods go up. The Federal Reserve has silently taxed the poor in the process of bailing out big business. This has rapidly accelerated income inequality in the country.
Now that the damage is done, the Federal Reserve Board has agreed to adopt a new rule going forward, blocking their ability to bail out individual companies. At first glance the new rule seems much fairer, but after looking more closely it becomes apparent that the rule won’t end Federal Reserve bailouts. Instead, the rule expands the bailouts, allowing the FED to rescue the broader financial system instead of individual companies.
Are globalists positioning for a massive wipe-out of the financial sector? This seems to be the case. The FED isn’t planning to rescue individual companies when they crash in the future. The FED is giving itself the power to hand out emergency loans to entire sectors of the economy, consisting of at least five companies at a time!
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Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 03:13:52 +0000 To: