Rob Kirby: Blow Off Event Will Change Financial Universe Forever. End Game Machinations Happening Now
- Rob Kirby: Blow Off Event Will Change Financial Universe Forever
by Greg Hunter’s
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says the U.S. dollar is constantly manipulated by the Treasury. Kirby contends, “I think we are palpably close to major dislocations in the market. . . . China has been selling U.S. securities on an all-out basis. So, the U.S. Treasury market is weak. So, when the Treasury sees this, it runs counter-intuitive to the strong U.S. dollar which has been a rig job from the get go. . . . The strong dollar and swap spreads trading negative are absolutely in opposition to each other. It exposes that something is tragically wrong, and it is something that doesn’t make sense. It’s like shining light on cockroaches.”
Kirby is also an expert on gold and helps attain gold for his ultra-wealthy clients by the ton. Kirby says, “They can’t get enough of precious metals. They scour the earth looking for large amounts of metal. . . . People that I work with represent money so large that they know they’re going to end up in the very end game, that they are going to end up with a whole lot of dollars that are going to be worth nothing. They accept that, but in the meantime, they are going to convert as many of those dollars as they can into things that are tangible and are going to maintain value once the world gets it and realizes the U.S. dollar is tapioca and is worth nothing.”
So, is this why the art market is exploding in value and some paintings are selling for tens of millions of dollars? Kirby says, “That’s exactly what is going on. You know why? Because the artwork market is a market that doesn’t have a futures complex connected to it where price riggers can keep the price of it under control. It’s an unbridled market, and it’s telling what’s coming in the rest of the world for tangible items. Gold has a derivative complex, futures and options connected to it where price discovery is nonexistent. People who have an interest in making the dollar look strong can sell paper contracts and keep the price of real gold suppressed.”
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