David Stockman: The End is Near! The Fed Has Left Us With The Highest Leveraged Debt Ratio In History!
- David Stockman: The End is Near! The Fed Has Left Us With The Highest Leveraged Debt Ratio In History!
by SGT, SGT Report.com:
There is a sea change in the monetary world occurring at this very moment. The world’s reserve currency, the Dollar, is now in its twilight years (or months) as China, Russia and even US allies make dramatic moves away from the world’s Petro-dollar based system – and toward Asia.
David Stockman who once worked as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981–1985) under President Ronald Reagan, and whose work at Contra Corner we often post at SGT Report, made an appearance on Neil Cavuto’s Fox Business Channel show recently where he took the hardcore economic facts to the American people, warning that time for the US Dollar and the debt-riddled US economy is running very, very short.
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