US Provocations on Russia’s Borders!
- US Provocations on Russia’s Borders!
by Stephen Lendman,
Madness drives US policy. Its provocative actions head things perilously closer to direct military confrontation with Russia.
Obama represents imperial lawlessness on steroids. He deplores peace and stability. He’s waged multiple direct and proxy wars throughout his tenure. He supports Israel’s war machine and Palestinian persecution whatever regime holds power. He risks the unthinkable – possible US initiated nuclear war with Russia.
At home, irresponsible anti-Russian propaganda rages. Buildup of US forces and military exercises in Eastern Europe ready America for war. Thousands of US boots on the ground, tanks and other military hardware near Russia’s borders represent Obama’s latest affront.
Claiming it’s to defend freedom doesn’t wash. No nation in world history has done more to destroy it worldwide. None more threaten humanity’s survival. Operation Atlantic Resolve is a willful anti-Russian provocation. Thousands of US combat troops, weapons and related equipment near its borders ready America for war.
On March 21, a provocative Dragoon Ride 1,100 show-of-force US convoy began moving through six Eastern European countries – en route to their Vilseck, Germany home base. They’ll continue through April 1. Along the way, they’ll position US heavy weapons close to Russia’s borders.
US Army European commander General Ben Hodges is involved in Kiev’s war on Donbass. Earlier he lied claiming 12,000 Russian troops operate in Ukraine. None crossed its borders any time during months of conflict. Hodges knows it. So do his Pentagon superiors, the White House, Congress and media scoundrels claiming otherwise.
Obama; Dragoon Ride and Atlantic Resolve show-of-force may be prelude for direct confrontation with Russia ahead. Washington’s so-called European Reassurance Initiative and related efforts support its NATO allies and partners. It’s part of ongoing US provocations confronting non-existent “Russian aggression.”
The Pentagon established six new front line command centers in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania – all former Soviet republics or Warsaw Pact countries. This and other US provocations risk direct confrontation with Russia. Will Obama launch WW III?
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