US Heightens Military Presence in Gulf as Iran Nuclear Deal Approaches!

- US Heightens Military Presence in Gulf as Iran Nuclear Deal Approaches!
As the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations come to a head, the US begins Eagle Resolve, a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf.
With the support of regional allies, the US moved nearly 3,000 military personnel, as well as “air, land, sea, and special operations components,” into the gulf on March 8. Taking place just off the coast of Kuwait, the exercise will continue through the end of the month, and is meant to improve the military’s response time should an incident occur in the region.
“Eagle Resolve 2015 will consist of a week-long series of simulated ‘injects’ to exercise participants’ ability to respond as a multinational headquarters staff, followed by a series of tactical demonstrations of land, maritime, and air forces from several nations,” reads a fact sheet provided to the Washington Free Beacon by US Central Command. “The exercise ends with a senior leader seminar to foster an environment for commanders to discuss issues of regional interest.”
Eagle Resolve will involve tactical exercises from the US Army, Marines, and various other military branches to test readiness in air defense, border security, counterterrorism, as well as “consequence management.” These include amphibious landing exercises and ship-based search and seizure operations.
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Comment: Propaganda BS to build plausible deniability. The plan is for Zionist Israel to attack Iran and start the Greater Middle East war. The Pentagram will deny involvement but support it covertly.

Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth and commented:
So in the event of a failure to sign an agreement the US military is in the right place at the right time to attack Iran?