EU Report Urges Sanctions Against Israel Over Jerusalem Policies!

- All of these “planned sanctions” are just political theatre for sheeple consumption. It is to build plausible deniability when Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, attacks Iran. The west ie US+NATO do not want to be involved directly in the coming Greater Middle East war. They want to fight via their proxy: Zionist ‘666’ Israel. US+NATO will be heavily involved in the European war with Russia and the Greater Asia war with China. The Greater Middle East war will be left to the Zionist state. Think Albert Pike’s Satanic WW3.
– - ‘EU report urges sanctions against Israel over Jerusalem policies’!
by , 20 March 2015
The report, which was leaked to the British newspaper ‘Guardian,’ comes just days after incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu handily won re-election.
The European Union has produced an explosive report recommending sanctions against Israel over its construction policies and security measures in Jerusalem, the British daily Guardian reported on its website on Friday.
The leaked report describes the capital as a city gripped by the worst “polarization and violence” since the second intifada of a decade ago. The document, which is an amalgamation of recommendations prepared by European diplomats stationed in the region, accuses the government of exacerbating tensions in the city by accelerating construction in the eastern part of the capital.
According to The Guardian, the city has been beset by a “vicious cycle of violence… increasingly threatening the viability of the two-state solution.” The report goes on to say that Israel’s “systematic” construction of housing in “sensitive areas” has compounded the problem.
The EU report takes Israel to task for what it describes as “heavy-handed policing and punitive measures” against Arabs in the city, “including eviction and home demolitions by Israeli forces.”
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