Architects of Iraq War ADMIT It Was Illegal !

- Architects of Iraq War ADMIT It Was Illegal!
“International Law … Would Have Required Us to Leave Saddam Hussein Alone”
The chief American prosecutor for the Nuremberg war crime trials – Robert H. Jackson – stated:
To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.
Forget third-hand allegations … the architects of the Iraq war admit that they initiated a war of aggression, not a war to defend America from imminent attack.
Influential Pentagon hawk Richard Perle conceded in 2003 that the invasion of Iraq had been illegal:
“International law … would have required us to leave Saddam Hussein alone“, and this would have been morally unacceptable.
Indeed, U.S. government officials have admitted that everyone knew that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. A top Bush administration adviser – Philip Zelikow said that the Iraq war was launched to protect Israel. And the following Bush officials admitted that the Iraq war was launched for oil:
* George W. Bush
* Key war architect – and Under Secretary of State – John Bolton
* Former Bush speechwriter David Frum (referring to Dick Cheney)
* A high-level National Security Council officer
* 4 Star General John Abizaid, the former commander of CENTCOM, with responsibility for Iraq
* Many others
Of course, this is “old news” (#15) … except that the U.S. did the same thing in Libya, and is now doing the same thing in Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere.

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