“We Have Front-Row Seats To An Imminent Market Shock”, Hedge Fund Billionaire Warns!

- “We Have Front-Row Seats To An Imminent Market Shock”, Hedge Fund Billionaire Warns!
by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com
Having previously noted that “this is the best shorting opportunity since 2007-9,” Billionaire hedge fund manager Cripsin Odey warns that (just as Goldman has noted) the global economy is h”eaded for recession and central banks will not be able to able to come to the rescue because they have exhausted the arsenal of policy weapons.” No matter what happens, he chides, the market shrugs it off as they are “kind of relying on central banks pulling a rabbit out of a hat.” They will not, “Central banks are not all singing and all dancing,” and cannot avoid the consequences of what they are doing, concluding, “you and I have got grandstand seats here [to an imminent market shock],” and investors are about to “find out just how illiquid it really is out there.”
One of the world’s leading hedge fund managers has warned that global economies are headed for recession and central banks will not be able to able to come to the rescue because they have exhausted the arsenal of policy weapons. As The Sydney Morning Herald reports,
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