End Game: “They Don’t Want People Protecting Themselves”!

- End Game – “They Don’t Want People Protecting Themselves”!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today a man who has lived in 18 countries around the world, and witnessed collapses in many of these countries firsthand, told King World News “They know what’s coming and they don’t want people protecting themselves.” Keith Barron, who consults with major companies around the world and is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in the last quarter century, also spoke about the harsh reality of what is taking place in various countries around the world and what this all means for key markets such as gold.
“Barron: “I saw some interesting numbers that came out of Turkey which showed there is still incredible gold demand. The ECB also just lowered interest rates today and they were citing the fight against deflation as being the reason for the rate cut….
We have seen this many, many times in countries like Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, many African and Latin American countries, but not for a long time in the countries of the West. But people should not think it can’t happen in the West. In the last century the currency of France went to zero five times. So this can certainly happen again in the West. This is why you are seeing countries in the West trying to discourage people from buying precious metals. They know what’s coming and they don’t want people protecting themselves.”
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