Feinstein Says No Clemency for Telling The Truth About The NSA!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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All of these spy agencies belong to the same western Illuminist intelligence agency network! They work for the western Illuminati. It is all part of the Beast ‘666’ network. It is illegal to spy on your own citizens. To get around national laws for eg. British GCHQ will spy on Germans and vice versa. They …
The war mongering against Iran is because the Synagogue of Satan wants to start their Satanic World War 3! It has nothing to do with Iran having nuclear bombs. This is just a red herring, a false pretext for war. Iran does not have any nuclear weapons nor a nuclear weapons program. Their Muslim leaders …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVZP0UL4ayk] Beleaguered Palestinian village of Wadi Fuqeen! by http://www.redressonline.com/ Sandwiched between the Apartheid Wall and the illegal Jewish squatter colony of Beitar Illit in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian village of Wadi Fuqeen has been at the receiving end of Israel’s sewage war, which is causing terrible damage to crops and poisoning the land, …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ1OB65pbqE] Published on Nov 5, 2013 Alex discusses the news coming out regarding possible arming of the TSA and the plan for an unconstitutional national domestic police force. end
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QBSkWbQA1c] Published on Nov 5, 2013 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, “remember, remember it’s yet again the 5th of November and banksters and conmen still rule” whether with Obamacare’s privatization of healthcare or private equity as the new slumlord toll collectors. In the second half, Max interviews Charles …
Pakistani leaders are correct in their assessment! You must understand that the Illuminati religion, Satanism, is a cult of death! Every time peace threatens to break out, they will actively subvert it. Usually, assassination or false flag terrorism is employed. Just observe the Middle East ‘peace process’ over the decades. Every time peace is achievable, …
“… in what amounts to a final warning, Israel said it intends to take military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities, since it believes Tehran is within a month of constructing a nuclear bomb.” – Quote The problem with a lot of ‘Christian’ commentators from the west is that they are Zionism infected. Zionism in all its …
The western Illuminati are rehearsing and rehearsing and rehearsing for their Satanic World War 3, Greater Middle East War! These people are very methodical. They run all their game theory on super computers to work out all possible scenarios. They then work out detail plans for each scenario and then rehearse what they are going …
Quite obviously, South America is no threat to Russia! The message from Putin is quite clear: should the Anglo-American empire try anything funny, the Russians are ready to attack North America! The winds of World War 3 are blowing across the world! Russian Bombers to Continue Patrols Over South America! by http://en.ria.ru/ MOSCOW, November 1 …
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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-FHfWWvr_Y] “It is the fiat currency itself is a manipulative tool that allows those to control fiat money to reallocate wealth from those that produce it”! – Quote Jay Taylor: We Are Close To The End ! Published on Nov 4, 2013 What are Rick Rule & Doug Casey Buying? http://FutureMoneyTrends.com/KCR – Full Transcript here: …
All these western intelligence agencies are part of the one and the same Illuminist spying network. The people at the top are one and the same Illuminists-Satanists. You are seeing a lot of politician snakes putting on a show of feigned righteous indignation just to disperse the anger of the sheeple. Things will quietened and these spying …
‘I’m really good at killing people’ – book claims Obama told aides! by http://rt.com/ It seems that President Obama is very much aware of the effects of his drone campaign, as he reportedly told aides he’s “really good at killing people.” – The quote comes from a new book called “Double Down,” by journalists Mark …