American Corporate Media's Deceitful News on Iran & Nuclear Power Issues!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] West architect of terrorism in Syria: M. Chossudovsky! by Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Center for Research on Globalization, Montreal, about the issue of the Western proxy war in Syria and the fresh advances being made by the army of the Syrian government in its fight against insurgents backed …
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[youtube=] “… bin Laden had no formal organization until the Americans INVENTED one for him! .. There is NO EVIDENCE that bin Laden used the term Al Qaeda to refer to the group until after Sept 11 when he realized this was the term the Americans had given him! “ – Quote Published on Jul 26, 2012 …
Al Qaeda is really the CIA! Al Qaeda (the Database) is the list of names of jihadists, mujahideen, mercenaries, criminal thugs … under the employment of the CIA! Al Qaeda as an independent organization DOES NOT EXIST! The term “Al Qaeda” is a propaganda FEAR MEME to sell the fraudulent Muslim Terrorism PSYOP HOAX! It is …
The Comex Fraud Is Growing Larger – 69 Times More Paper Than Gold! by The information in this report is taken from sources believed to be reliable; however, the Commodity Exchange, Inc. disclaims all liability whatsoever with regard to its accuracy or completeness. This report is produced for information purposes only. – The above …
Who is screwing the Japanese people? Not America! It is the Illuminist leaders of America who are working for the western Illuminati who is screwing America and the world. Similarly, the Illuminist Japanese puppet politician snakes are enabling the desired actions of the western Illuminati! The sheeple are just pawns, easily deceived useful idiots in …
“The ultimate product of Iran’s gas centrifuge facilities would be highly enriched uranium hexafluoride, a gas that cannot be used to make a weapon.” – Cinton Bastin, American nuclear weapons expert – Behind the Diplomatic Conflict over Iran Nuclear Negotiations. Israel Campaigns against Agreement! by Richard Becker, What is really behind the fierce diplomatic conflict …
The plan of the Zionist Synagogue of Satan is Albert Pike’s Satanic World War 3! The western Illuminati’s military arm is controlled via the Pentagram/Pentagon! The idea that Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, will behave without the prior approval of Pentagon is NONSENSE. It is a carefully crafted plan of execution to paint Zionist ‘666’ …
[youtube=] The FedRes, ECB, BOE, BOJ, IMF, World Bank, BIS … and practically all central banks are privately owned Illuminist banks! They are owned by the Satanic bloodlines, seed of the serpent, Black (as in Evil, Satanic) Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy! end
[youtube=] Fabian Calvo-Looting of the Country Happening Right Now,Fed Printing $125 Billion a Month! by Greg Hunter’s Real estate expert Fabian Calvo says, “Is real estate a manipulated market that will eventually go bust and collapse? Yes, it will . . . but these guys talking economic collapse are buying real estate because they …
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[youtube=] See also: Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media! end
Jim Rogers: I’m Urging People To Get Prepared ! by According to Jim, “When things collapsed in 2008, people who were overextended with debt, or had investments they didn’t understand, or weren’t liquid enough, got hurt very badly as you know. That is going to happen again, and that’s why I’m urging people to just …
The Failure Of Abenomics In One Chart… When Even The Japanese Press Admits “Easing Is Not Working”! by Tyler Durden, Since late 2012 Zero Hedge has been very critical of Japan’s Abenomics experiment, and its first and only real arrow: a massive increase in the monetary base thanks to the BOJ’s shock and awe …