Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
The Global War on Terror (GWOT) against the Muslim people is an Illuminist psyop HOAX! It is to drive the sheeple, via the Clash of Civilizations (Samuel Huntington) Illuminist psyop, towards the Satanic World War 3! The endgame is the coming Luciferian New World Order, World Government, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’! – Lawyer: …
[scribd id=108902116 key=key-dda1qzn3fh9wntv55kd mode=scroll] Nuclear Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not “Breakthrough”! by Tony Cartalucci, “…any military operation against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require the proper international context—both to ensure the logistical support the operation would require and to minimize the blowback from it. – The best way …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 27, 2013 Alex calls into the program with a very special report regarding Globalist plans to continue the soft merging of technology with man. Stay in the know – Follow Alex on Twitter: end
[youtube=] Published on Nov 27, 2013 David Knight is joined via Skype by Gerald Celente of Trends Journal to discuss the global financial outlook and the history of Governments crashing markets to control a populace. end
[youtube=] [youtube=] Israeli nukes hurdle to Mideast peace: Galloway! by British MP George Galloway says Israel’s nuclear weapons must be destroyed in order to achieve peace in the Middle East. The Respect Party parliamentarian made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday night. – We “have been making this very point …
Israel’s War on Palestinian Children! by Stephen Lendman(Jew), Israel is a serial human rights abuser. It’s one of the world’s worst. It’s war on Palestinian children alone reflects it. They’re systematically abused unjustly. Up to 700 are arrested annually. Most are lawlessly charged with stone-throwing. Children young as five are terrorized. They’re too young …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Defense Department gives local police equipment designed for a war zone! by From war zones to city streets, some military vehicles are getting a new life — and not everyone is happy about the recycling. – The Defense Department recently announced it would be giving domestic law enforcement forces hulking vehicles designed …
Think carefully about what this implies! Why is the Obama Administration so desperate to agree to a deal which the AIPAC Israeli Lobby opposes. Why would they risk going against the Zionist lobby? They have been instructed to do so by the Synagogue of Satan. It is just ONE BIG CHARADE to setup the Satanic …
[gigya src=”” width=”400″ height=”380″ quality=”high” wmode=”transparent” allowFullScreen=”true” ] David Stockman Fears “Panic” When The “Lunatic” Fed “Loses Control”! by Tyler Durden, “It’s only a question of time before the central banks lose control,” David Stockman warns a shocked CNBC anchor, “and a panic sets in when people realize that these values are massively overstated.” …
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