The FedRes Is Going To Shock Markets By Increasing QE !
- The Fed Is Going To Shock Markets By Increasing QE!
Today one of the most highly respected fund managers in Singapore spoke with King World News about everything from the danger present in global stock markets, to QE, and gold. Grant Williams, who is portfolio manager of the Vulpes Precious Metals Fund, also warned that when it comes to global stock markets, “If we suddenly get a lot of people trying to sell, the bids just aren’t going to be there.” Below is what Williams had to say in part II of his powerful interview series.
Williams: “After the FOMC announcement gold was hit straight away for $20. But this is a group that has been putting the pedal-to-the-metal non-stop for almost 6 years now. This fixation with the ‘taper’ is so misplaced because there is no way the Fed can taper to any meaningful degree….
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