Staggering QE In The West & The Ultimate Collapse!
- Staggering QE In The West & The Ultimate Collapse!
Today a man who has lived in 18 countries around the world, and witnessed collapses in many of these countries firsthand, warned King World News about staggering amounts of QE in the West and the ultimate collapse. Keith Barron, who consults with major companies around the world and is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in the last quarter century, also spoke about the collapses that are already in full swing in various countries around the world and what this all means for key markets such as gold.
“Any talk of tapering at this point is nonsense and just part of an increased use of propaganda by the Fed to manipulate markets. …
“All of this is going to lead to increased inflation, and for certain parts of the world they will experience the terror of hyperinflation. I saw a news item a couple of days ago on the BBC talking about Venezuela. Venezuela is in a hell of a mess right now. They have somewhere between a staggering 45% and 50% inflation.
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