Liu Chang, “US Fiscal Failure Warrants A De-Americanized World,” and Jeff Brown, “Baba Beijing’s Belly Laugh Felt Round The World”!
- The idea that the western Illuminati will surrender their global hegemony is troubling. Despite the many documented problems, failures, utter criminality .. of their system, I do not believe they will fade away quietly into the night! Remember: America is still the #1 military super power! The Satanic World War 3 is next to take down both China and Russia!
– - Liu Chang, “US Fiscal Failure Warrants A De-Americanized World,” and Jeff Brown, “Baba Beijing’s Belly Laugh Felt Round The World”!
Dear readers,
Xinhua is a news agency of the Chinese government. The Chinese government sees Washington as a largely spent power. Liu Chang puts Washington’s loss of uni-power status very concisely.
After you read the official commentary (below), read Jeff J. Brown’s commentary on Liu Chang’s report.
Jeff Brown is an American citizen who has worked in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and China, where he has lived for 10 years. He in fluent in English, Portuguese , Arabic, French, and Mandarin. Recently, Jeff Brown published a book, 44 Days Backpacking In China available from
If you have not recently visited China, this book will give you an idea of the rising superpower, while the bankrupt and de-industrialized US disappears into Third World status.
Americans have been sold out by their “leaders.” America, looted and depleted by Wall Street and the military/security complex, is sucked dry like the victim of a spider’s web.
China has the manufacturing and industrial power that America had before Wall Street and the corporations sold out the country. Russia has abundant natural resources. A China/Russian alliance is the consequence of US hegemonic behavior.
Moreover, both Russia and China have recently emerged from their existence under police states comparable to the one that is rising in the US. Countries that have recently lived under police regimes are not interested in returning to them. In the presstitute American media, both China and Russia are portrayed to be the police state that, in reality, now exists in the US.
America has become a caricature of itself. America is the source of endless wars on innocent peoples who are demonized as ”terrorists” for no other reasons than profit for the American military/security complex and expanded living space for Israelis.
This demonization of peoples provides the “justification” for attacking the civilian populations of the seven countries for which the tax payments of struggling US citizens are misused. American’s hopes for their future collapse, but the profits of the military/security complex rise with the civilian deaths in the attacked countries..
read more!