Former CBS Reporter Exposes Global Cartels Controlling Military, Money, Energy, Government, Medical, Corporate, Media & Education
- Former CBS Reporter Exposes Global Cartels Controlling Military, Money, Energy, Government, Medical, Corporate, Media & Education
by Tim Brown,
Former CBS Healthwatch reporter Jon Rappoport often shares great insight into how things in our world are manipulated with those in power and with lots of money. In a recent email, he borrowed from his The Matrix Revealed series to provide a taste of what he refers to as global cartels who are influencing anything from the militaries of the world to education. Among those he interviewed were two insiders named Ellis Medavoy and Richard Bell.
Here’s Rapport’s comments.
Major institutions on this planet that control Military, Money, Energy, Government, Medical, Corporate, Media, and Education are becoming, more and more, global cartels, horizontally integrated across national borders.
This is more than a top-down command process. It’s organically evolving. Three steps forward, two steps back. There is a great deal of competition among the components of a given cartel, but there is also cooperation. And in the long run, the see-saw is tipping in the direction of cooperation, as these entities realize they may well have more to gain that way.
I can’t stress too strongly this EVOLVING process. All attempts to merely assume twelve men in a room run the planet fall woefully short.
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