Mystery Burst of Gravity Waves Sent from ‘Betelgeuse’ Star – as Scientists Predict Explosion
- Mystery Burst of Gravity Waves Sent from ‘Betelgeuse’ Star – as Scientists Predict Explosion
by Charlotte Edwards A BURST of gravitational waves, usually caused by cataclysmic events in the universe, has been detected coming from an unstable star, leading some experts to think it may explode soon.
Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star that is expected to turn into a supernova explosion, however, this wasn’t predicted to happen for another 100,000 years. The huge burst was detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the US.
It has drawn so much attention from experts because it came from a similar region to the Betelgeuse star that has been exhibiting signs of dimming behaviour. This dimming indicates that the star will likely explode at some point in the future.
Luckily, a Betelgeuse supernova wouldn’t impact Earth because the supergiant is so far away but it would change the view of the night sky forever as Betelgeuse is part of the Orion constellation.
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