Globalist CFR: G9 Committee Must Save “World Order” From Trump
- Globalist CFR: G9 Committee Must Save “World Order” From Trump
by Alex Newman,
President Donald Trump, they say, seeks to “upend” their “liberal world order.” And so, the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations, a key Deep State institution behind the “world order” agenda, is calling for the creation of a new “Group of 9” (G9) committee to save the “rules-based world order” from Trump. Basically, the proposed coalition of nine powerful governments, which would include many of America’s close allies and even the emerging European Union super-state, would hold down the “global governance” fort until a pliable globalist can be placed back in the White House. The two authors of the proposed scheme, CFR members Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay, along with their comrades, have played lead roles in some of America’s greatest foreign policy blunders of recent decades. And yet, using dishonesty and deception, they make the case for preserving and even expanding this CFR-backed “World Order” that Americans and humanity increasingly oppose. If Trump plays his cards right, however, he can foil their globalist plot and save constitutional government.
Calling their scheme a “Committee to Save the World Order,” the dynamic globalist duo argued in CFR mouthpiece Foreign Affairs that Trump was working to “upend” their precious “world order.” “He has raised doubts about Washington’s security commitments to its allies, challenged the fundamentals of the global trading regime, abandoned the promotion of freedom and democracy as defining features of U.S. foreign policy, and abdicated global leadership,” the two claimed, assuming readers would agree with U.S. government policing of the world and submission to a globalist “trading regime” that undermines American independence, prosperity, and self-government. They lament that, contrary to the hopes of some — Obama even left a note in the Oval Office urging his successor “to sustain the international order” — Trump did not abandon his campaign promises and embrace a more “traditional” (read: globalist, militarist, and hyper-interventionist) so-called foreign policy.
Basically, the globalist screed complains that Trump refused to bow to CFR demands and defy the will of the American people. Instead, they whine, Trump went on to withdraw from the CFR-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a pseudo-“free trade” regime that would have surrendered U.S. sovereignty to what then-Senator Jeff Sessions described as a European Union-style “Pacific Union” — a union in which America’s vote would be equal to the votes of communist and Islamic dictators. (Parts of TPP have been resurrected in the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement negotiated by CFR member Robert Lighthizer.) The Foreign Affairs piece also bemoans Trump’s announcement that the U.S. government would be withdrawing from the United Nations Paris agreement on “climate change,” a pseudo-treaty never ratified by the Senate that would undermine what’s left of the U.S. economy, empower China and the world order, all while doing next to nothing to help the environment. The two globalists complain about the withdrawal from the CFR-backed Iran deal, too, as well as Trump’s questions about NATO.
It is all evidence that Trump truly is opposed to globalism, as he has said repeatedly for years. “He is not looking to reinvigorate the rules-based order by leading friends and allies in a common cause,” conclude CFR vice president Lindsay, a longtime bureaucrat, and Daalder, president of the globalist Chicago Council on Global Affairs who worked for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Among the alleged evils of this Trump policy, the CFR minions claim, will be a reduced ability of the “United States” (read: the globalists at the CFR) to “shape global rules.” Why Americans or anyone else should want “global rules” as opposed to self-government, diversity, tax competition, and national independence was never made clear. Another alleged downside of Trump’s efforts will be an alleged forfeiting of “the admiration and trust that come from standing up for freedom, democracy, and human rights.” The irony, hypocrisy, and obliviousness of this statement is almost beyond comprehension. Have millions of dead bodies and decades of illegal wars unleashed by both parties to allegedly spread “democracy” helped bring about “admiration” for America? Anyone who has been in a foreign nation or has any common sense knows the answer to that. Of course,America’s founders established a republic, anyway, loudly warning Americans about the dangers of democracy. Additionally, when Trump tried to stand up for the human rights of farmers in the South Africa facing horrific murders and “legalized” government theft of property, the Deep State freaked out. Clearly the CFR authors are hoping readers will be ignorant, stupid, or in bed with the globalist establishment.
Then comes another whopper of immense proportions — basically a total reversal of reality. “Worse, by alienating allies and embracing adversaries, Trump is providing an opening for China to rewrite the rules of the global order in its favor,” claimed Daalder and Lindsay. As readers of this magazine know very well, the CFR and globalist bigwigs associated with it such as Henry Kissinger, George Soros, and David Rockefeller have been aiding and abetting the mass-murdering communist regime’s rise to global power for generations. Soros, for instance, publicly called for Beijing to “own” what he called the “New World Order.” The fringe billionaire even claimed China had a “better functioning government” than the United States. The late Rockefeller, a CFR leader and self-described member of a “secret cabal” that is “conspiring” against his nation to create a “one world” order, claimed in the New York Times in 1973 that the “social experiment” in China under mass-murdering dictator Mao was among the “most important and successful in human history” — ignoring the slaughter of over 60 million innocent people and the complete eradication of freedom. In fact, CFR members in the U.S. government betrayed U.S. ally Chiang Kai-Shek and helped bring Mao to power in the first place. And yet now, CFR globalists and their fellow travelers hope to blame this sorry state of affairs on Trump, playing Americans for fools.
In a book called The Empty Throne: America’s Abdication of Global Leadership, the two globalist bigwigs make the same arguments. In a summary of their book offered by the publisher, the two globalists actually blame Trump for the very evils that their globalist cohorts at the CFR have brought about — namely, the ongoing takeover of “global governance” architecture by the mass murdering regime ruling Communist China. “The biggest beneficiary of Trump’s decision to turn his back on American global leadership was China,” claims the “What’s Inside” promotional copy for the book. “It was the one country capable of filling the leadership vacuum he had created — and it was all too eager to do so.” For those who would like to know the truth about the globalist-engineered rise of the butchers in Beijing, a TNA cover story from long before Trump can be found under the headline “China: Staking Claim in the New World Order.”
As Trump takes steps to fulfill the mandate delivered by the American people — he has already withdrawn from key globalist institutions and agreements — the CFR globalists want their proposed G9 to step in. “The major allies of the United States can leverage their collective economic and military might to save the liberal world order,” they wrote, calling on the governments of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the EU, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Canada “to supply the leadership that the Trump administration will not.” “Together, they represent the largest economic power in the world, and their collective military capabilities are surpassed only by those of the United States,” the globalists added. “This “G-9” should have two imperatives: maintain the rules-based order in the hope that Trump’s successor will reclaim Washington’s global leadership role and lay the groundwork to make it politically possible for that to happen. This holding action will require every member of the G-9 to take on greater global responsibilities.”
At the top of the proposed agenda: “economic cooperation.” Essentially, the globalists are calling on America’s allies to create radical new “trade” regimes and international institutions among themselves to further erode sovereignty and self-government. Then, once the U.S. government is back in the hands of a CFR-friendly globalist, the hope is that America would be compelled to join. The piece in Foreign Affairs points out that combined, the G-9 nations produce some 50 percent more economic output than the United States, meaning that America could, in the CFR vision, be compelled to submit to its agenda, rules, and regulations at some point in the future. As an example of the globalist scheme, the CFR operatives propose a merger between the EU and the TPP, creating a global “trade” regime that would “intensify competition” between the United States and the globalist super-bloc, giving the proposed G-9 and its partners an advantage. The CFR proposal also calls on the G-9 to weaponize “foreign aid,” taking over the role of the U.S. government in bribing and bullying Third World governments with tax-funded “aid” into submitting to the world order they seek.
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