The Relentless Push Towards War. This Time with North Korea. Why?
- The Relentless Push Towards War. This Time with North Korea. Why?
by Chris Martenson,
The only real constant to be found in both European and US politics is war. A steady feature of both regions for the past 20+ years has been small, lucrative conflicts waged against countries unable to effectively defend themselves.
It doesn’t seem to matter who’s in office in the US — Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal — there’s a war machine constantly running. My concern is that there’s a building risk that one day that war machine is going to bust apart. And when it does, the long relative peace that the US and Europe have enjoyed (even as they’ve visited a lot of death and destruction elsewhere) will be shattered.
As I’ve written extensively in the past, as was the case with Russia last fall, this push to war includes a series of carefully-crafted talking points being endlessly repeated over the print and airwaves. It’s an ever-present condition of living in our manufactured reality, where what we are told to care about is beamed at us around the clock in a rather tediously but emotionally-manipulative way on the “news.”
For a short historical review, recall that it wasn’t that long ago that we were asked to be in a near state of panic about:
* Ebola
* Iran’s nuclear capabilities
* Libya’s terrible strongman (who turned out to be way better than the thugs who replaced him)
* Terrorists
* Russia
How many of those are now ‘front and center’ in your concerns? Probably none. Today’s big ‘bogeyman’ is North Korea. Have you wondered why? The news about North Korea is at a fever pitch. Again, we have to ask, why now?
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