Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
The expectation of the Illuminati is that monotheistic religions ie. mainly Islam and Christianity will receive a tremendous shock upon the revelation of “Aliens”. It will lead to their destruction according to the Illuminist plan. There will be a great falling away from Christianity. – These “Aliens” which are coming are NOT Aliens but are …
Jim Willie On the Silver FIX & The Gold Trade Note by TFMetals, via The Golden Jackass is Back With A Critical Update Involving SILVER. end
[youtube=] [youtube=] Published on Apr 30, 2017 The NATO Secretary General says the alliance is planning to boost its troop presence in Afghanistan. Jens Stoltenberg cited the challenging security situation in the country for the additional deployment. He added that the alliance also plans to increase its role in the fight against terrorism by training …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 27, 2017 “Abu Mazen, we are a part of Palestine, have empathy for us.” That was the message of a Palestinian in Gaza, as the Palestinian Authority, run by Mahmoud Abbas has stopped paying for electricity to be used by Gaza, thus allowing for a shutdown of the territory’s limited power …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 28, 2017 A severe power crisis has paralyzed the Gaza Strip’s wastewater treatment facilities. The International Committee of the Red Cross is now warning of grave environmental consequences if untreated wastewater is discharged into the sea. Press TV’s Halla Alsafadi has a report. end
Will the Next War Erupt in the Balkans? by Justin Raimondo, April 26, 2017, As the world focuses on the Middle Eastern and Korean flashpoints, the next war may not occur in either region, but rather in a replay of an old conflict that has been largely forgotten. – In an interview with Politico’s European edition, …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 30, 2017 Islamists have been caught launching false flag attacks with chemical weapons, but the mainstream media and Trump immediately believed Assad was responsible for the latest attack. end
[youtube=] Published on May 1, 2017 Controversial former UK Labor Prime Minister Tony Blair has announced that he is going to return to UK politics, motivated by Brexit and willing to change the situation amid the debates on the terms of the exit from the EU. end
“The Doomsday Forum”: Senior Military, Nuclear Weapons Officials Convene… America’s “$1 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Plan”. Take out Russia, Iran and North Korea? by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, This article was first published on July 8, 2016 America’s pre-emptive nuclear doctrine was firmly entrenched prior to Donald Trump’s accession to the White House. The use of nukes against …
[youtube=] Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat From the East. Payments in Gold Across Asia by Andrew Brennan, Asia Times, via While the recent raft of Sino-Saudi trade agreements benefited Chinese soft power in protecting Xinjiang, and the Saudis by diversifying their economy, China’s slow intertwining with Saudi Arabia complements the Sino-Russian alliance. Primarily, its benefits could lead to a …
The Real Reason for Attacking North Korea by Dave Hodges, In the most extreme circumstances we have made it very clear that you can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons as a first strike.” – Michael Fallon, British Defense Minister BBC Today April 25, 2017 – The political whores are speaking. They are willing …
Korea Times: “China Bracing For Emergency Situation Involving North Korea” by Tyler Durden, With the North Korean situation tense after Friday’s latest failed missile attempt, the South Korea’s Korea Times reports that a Chinese town near the border with North Korea is “urgently” recruiting Korean-Chinese interpreters, “stirring speculation that China is bracing for an …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 29, 2017 Jeff is interviewed by John B Wells for the Caravan to Midnight radio show. Topics include: the real fake news, Anarchapulco, Trump a carefully selected Trojan war horse, expanding and deepening the swamp, the suppression of facts to control the voting population, is the USA evil? propaganda and fear, …
Save Liberty, Shut Down the Government by ron paul, Congress ended the week by passing a continuing resolution keeping the government funded for one more week. This stopgap funding bill is designed to give Congress and the White House more time to negotiate a long-term spending bill. Passage of a long-term spending bill has been delayed …