Alasdair Macleod: The Coming Panic Into Physical Gold And Silver
- Alasdair Macleod: The Coming Panic Into Physical Gold And Silver
Many of us are now predicting another round of QE, quite possibly before the leaves are finished falling off the trees this fall around the country.
The one thing the Fed really is frightened of is contracting bank credit. And this idea of collateral liquidation leading to more selling of collateral by the banks to cover loans is sort of self-feeding into nasty collapse if you like in asset prices.
Now that’s not going to happen because they are going to print money to insure it doesn’t happen.
We are very very close to that sort of tipping point and I think that people who have an understanding of this are not going to hang around and wait for the Fed to print money. They are going to go quite quickly against the dollar…
Anybody who doesn’t own physical silver or gold could miss out. I think there’s a big change coming.
Submitted by Fund Manager Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:
The strategic reasons for are now about to change in the next six months. Anybody who doesn’t own physical silver or gold could miss out. I think there’s a big change coming on. – Alasdair Macleod,Shadow of Truth
The Shadow of Truth interviewed Alasdair Macleod to get his take on the economic reports which show an economic contraction in the U.S., the recent move higher in precious metals prices and his thoughts on what China’s next move is with respect to their obvious hoarding of physical gold.
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