US Behind The Iran Nuclear ‘Crisis’!

- The gist of this article is correct but it misses certain points. The US is not really interested in Iran’s ‘nuclear’ threat! Iran does not have any nuclear bombs or a nuclear weapons program and they know it. The real reason is: the Anglo-American-Zionist Illuminist shadow government always need an enemy. They will fabricate enemies constantly to fuel their need for control and power over the sheeple. Iran is simply a convenient excuse, another fabricated enemy, to justify more wars without end. If America is really concerned about nuclear weapons proliferation and threat, why is it America refuses to press Pakistan, India and Zionist ‘666’ Israel to sign the nuclear NPT? These are all known to have nuclear bombs.
– - This is about global conquest for the western Illuminati. It is about the threat to their global monetary/petrodollar hegemony. Once they lose this global hegemony they have lost their power over the world. They have lost their power to finance and wage wars without end. It is about the 4th world endtimes empire. It is about the coming Luciferian New World Order and clearing the path for their fake messiah, the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6. If you deny the spiritual perspective, you will never understand what is really going on. (emphasis and remarks mine)
US behind the Iran nuclear ‘crisis’!
By Ma Xiaolin ( China Daily),
No wonder the new round of talks in Moscow on the Iranian nuclear issue didn’t achieve any concrete progress, frankly speaking, no one is confident of solving a matter concerning Iran’s core interests through the talks. Especially as the United States has just heightened tensions by issuing new trade sanctions that include China and Singapore.
Actually, the Iranian nuclear issue is not only a matter of nuclear proliferation, it also reflects the lack of strategic mutual trust between the US and Iran. It is the US that has pushed Iran to seek to become a nuclear state, also it is the US has sensationalized Iran’s nuclear program as a global issue.
In 1957, in order to compete with the former Soviet Union in the Middle East, the United States and Iran signed a civil nuclear cooperation agreement as part of the US Atoms for Peace program. In 1963, Iran signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty and in 1968 the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
But ties between the US and Iran soured after the Islamic revolution in 1979 and Iran turned to the USSR for help.
In 2003, one year after the Iranian nuclear program became news headlines worldwide, the Iranian government signed the protocol allowing snap inspections of nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
However, the US continued to put pressure on what it called a “rogue state”. In 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected president and adopted a hardline nuclear policy, saying in 2009 that Iran would not retreat “one iota” on its right to a nuclear program. That’s how the Iranian nuclear problem turned into a “crisis”. (Under the NPT, Iran has every right to a peaceful civilian nuclear power generating program!)
Today the crisis is so deep that a basic question is ignored: Does Iran have the capacity to produce nuclear weapons? The answer, according to experts, is not as certain as the US claims. For weapons use, at least 90 percent pure uranium is required, but Iran cannot even produce 20 percent pure uranium for medical and experimental use. Even if they make breakthroughs one day they will still need to conduct nuclear explosion tests and acquire other technologies to develop a useable weapon. (The western MSM is propagandizing the 20% uranium enrichment issue to make it seem as though Iran is close to developing a nuclear bomb. This is false!)
Even Iran’s intention of developing nuclear weapons is in doubt. In February Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei openly said that nuclear weapons of mass destruction are contrary to Islamic teachings and the state does not intend to own them.
In its fight against the US, Iran uses some flexible terms such as “nuclear rights” and “nuclear capacity”. The intention is clear: Iran wants to emphasize its independence and sovereignty, while leaving some room for developing nuclear weapons if necessary and ensuring domestic order by emphasizing external pressure and antagonism.
The US and its Middle East allies must be fully aware that Iran has no capability to produce nuclear weapons. So the question becomes: Why do they keep making a fuss over Iran’s nuclear program? (It is really about Iran selling oil but not using the USD!)
The US has its own agenda in exaggerating the Iran nuclear crisis: to prevent an external enemy from becoming a nuclear state, and maintaining, even strengthening, the military dependency of other Middle East countries on the US, so as to export weapons to them and keep military bases in their domains.
