Mike Shedlock on The Spexit, The Grexit And Running for The Eurozone Exit !!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Urt_chvoerw] Bilderberg agenda 2012: – – Destruction of USD – USD devaluation vs Chinese Yuan – Hyperinflation & Bank Runs – Another Lehman type Mega Shock is planned ! – Planned collapse of Eurozone. Financial rape of public! – Global Fascist takeover of countries. – Introduction of Global Supra-National Central Bank / World Treasury! – Western …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4PQ7CT51Mo] The Syrian government says the massacre of more than a hundred people in the Syrian town of Houla was the work of armed terrorist gangs. This, as the U.S. Secretary of State admits military planning for action in Syria is already going ahead, but Moscow has vowed to block any moves for outside interference …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azbr5OaRDv8] Syria: British Detonator for Thermonuclear War?! We face an existential crisis, beyond marshall law, beyond the catastrophic 14th century European dark age. A general breakdown crisis has come knocking on our doors, banging with a hard fist to unleash financial disintegration and thermonuclear war. end
Bailout of Bankrupt Spanish Banks Proving Impossible! by http://larouchepac.com/home The Euro continued to fall today as bankrupt banks multiplied in Spain and a ratings agency downgraded the country’s credit to a very low B rating; it is becoming clear that Spain will ruin its national credit completely trying to bail out its failing banks, unless …
These are simply rehearsals for the coming Satanic World War 3! This is another sign that the Illuminists are about to initiate their global economic, financial and currency meltdown! (emphasis mine) – US troops imitate invasion of Iran with Arab allies?! by http://rt.com/ Around 12,000 troops from more than 19 nations are wrapping up a …
Bill Gross: The Global Monetary System Is Reaching Its Breaking Point! by Tyler Durden, http://www.zerohedge.com/ Think JPM is the “whale” in the market? Think again. Bill Gross exposes the real food chains on Wall Street, and you may be surprised just who is truly the biggest “whale” in the “developed” world. Hint- it is the …
If this is true and JP Morgan is running out of money to service margin calls, the world financial system is in trouble. JP Morgue and Goldman Sucks are shareholders of the FedRes. It is a big deal when JP Morgue sells US$25B to meet margin calls. It implies that the derivatives problem is rapidly blowing …
Embry – People Will Be Shocked at the Chaos Heading Our Way! by www.kingworldnews.com Today John Embry told King World News, “This situation is unprecedented. The world has never, ever been in a condition like this.” Embry, who is Chief Investment Strategist of the $10 billion strong Sprott Asset Management, also told KWN, “anyone that …
Has the Eurozone debt crisis gotten better or worse? Obviously worse! The contagion has spread to Spain and Italy. There is no way they can be bailed out without destroying the entire Eurozone! The Illuminist banksters have engineered this crisis to further their consolidation of power and financially rape the sheeple! Got physical gold yet? – Money …
The world is overburdened by an insurmountable mountain of debt. But the Illuminist banksters would like you to believe that more debts (bailouts) upon existing debts is the answer. It is nonsensical. You cannot solve a debt problem with more debts. The Illuminists are simply building the debt problem into an even bigger mountain and then finally crashing …
Spain cries for help: is Berlin listening? By Michael Stott, http://uk.reuters.com/home (Reuters) – Crisis is the watchword in Madrid. Take your pick – liquidity crisis, debt crisis, banking crisis, economic crisis, confidence crisis, investor crisis, jobless crisis. Spain, the ailing euro zone‘s latest problem child, has them all. – As the problems pile up, Prime …