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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
More debts are still being piled upon existing debts. Bailout is a misnomer. Bailouts are really more debts. Eventually, the Illuminist banksters will own everything. You cannot solve a debt problem with more debts (bailouts)! – Debt crisis: EU leaders set to announce €750bn Spain and Italy bailout deal ! By Robert Winnett, Political Editor in …
[youtube=] Volcker Confesses to $2 Trillion Swindle Against the American People! by We need you to call your congressmen now (lookup here), and demand their support for H.R.1489. The LaRouche Political Action Committee has learned that former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker is conducting a call-up campaign against the reinstatement of Glass Steagall, …
[youtube=] Russia will counterbalance West nuclear game against Iran: Analyst! by The undermining of previous agreements between Iran and the P5+1 by the US and the influence of Israel over scores of US Senators are main obstacles for reaching a conclusion in the upcoming negotiations in Moscow. – Press TV has interviewed Mark Glenn, …
I am very glad that more of these Zionists are speaking out against this coming war with Iran. Time is running out. The attack is still probably scheduled for around Sep-Oct 2012! It will mark the start of the Greater Middle East war and the beginning of WW3. Zionist ‘666’ Israel will not survive this war. More …
The western Illuminati is desperately trying to start their Satanic World War 3! We are entering the period just before the arrival of the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6. This is a period marked by global wars! (emphasis mine) – Brits Continue Sabotage of Iran Talks, While Putin …
I have warned repeatedly that the Illuminists appear to be adhering to a very tight script: the period in between WW1 and WW2. This time round they are using (abusing really) America as the protagonist to start WW3, much like Nazi Germany was used to start WW2. We are seeing history repeats itself: economic and financial collapse starting …
The Eurozone will collapse. Despite all the rhetoric by the G20, it is inevitable. The world is heading towards a global economic, financial and currency meltdown! It will begin in the PIIGS, spread across Europe, UK, Japan … and finally America! Got physical gold yet? – The G-20 Farce: Saving The Eurozone From Collapse! by Wolf Richter, …
Spain is Now Facing a Banking Crisis and a Sovereign Crisis At the Same Time! by Phoenix Capital Research, via Last year I wrote a piece in which I noted that the EU would implode before the end of 2012. The reason for this was clear as day: EU banks needed to roll over …
There is no intention on the part of the Illuminist banksters and their politician puppets to solve the debt problem. The whole purpose is to build it into an insurmountable ginormous debt mountain and then collapse it. The snakes want a global currency crisis. They want to destroy all fiat currencies to lay the foundation for their …