The Global Financial System is in Extreme Peril Because of Financial Derivatives Collapse And Not The Bankruptcy of Greece!

- I have highlighted this before. The collapse of the Eurozone is to provide cover for the implosion of the quadrillion dollar financial derivatives market. This is a fraudulent market controlled by the Illuminist banksters! (emphasis mine)
Someone Is Lying: How Can Greece Bring Down The Global Economy?
It was noteworthy that George Soros, the world’s most successful currency speculator, was revealed this week to have tripled his position in gold in the first quarter of this year. That he is a man who knows his currencies is without question. That he chooses gold speaks volumes. – David Galland, Casey Research
I’m confused. I’m not really sure why the world should be in fear of a Greek systemic collapse and exit from the EU/euro LINK . So, while most of the world’s hoi polloi chooses to accept news that is fed to them like hungry ducklings with their beaks open waiting to be fed by momma duck (the elitists), I prefer to look under the “hood” of a proposition that, prima facie, seems absurd. Furthermore, unless I’m missing something, the world is being willingly fed a gigantic lie by the elitists.
Now I’m even more confused. How could the collapse of such a seemingly economically insignifant country in comparison to the rest of the world cause global systemic/financial turmoil? Before you read on, please see this report regarding Greek derivatives: LINK
The Truth of the matter is that the situation with Greece is being used as the cover-job to mask the truth about the catastrophic derivatives exposure of the world’s biggest banks. I demonstrated a couple days ago how looking at just Greece in isolation could lead to tens of billions in losses for the biggest banks – primarily JP Morgan – if Greece leaves the EU and reinstates the drachma as its currency.
The fact of the matter is that if proper OTC derivatives regulations and oversight had been in place – more importantly, properly enforced – then the situation in Greece would barely be newsworthy. Zimbabwe went through a financial/monetary collapse a few years ago which culminated in a “do-over” for its curency and most people in the world probably never even heard of Zimbabwe or could tell you where it is. What’s the difference between Greece and Zimbabwe? Off-balance-sheet OTC derivatives.
Once again – just like the 2008 bailout of the U.S. Too Big To Fail Banks – we are being fed a gigantic lie by the political and banking elitists. The global financial system is in extreme peril because of the catastrophic loss-exposure embedded in the near-quadrillion OTC derivatives positions of the world’s biggest banks, which are primarily U.S.-based. JP Morgan, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Deutche Bank, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Barclays and Society Generale. Those are your culprits – not Greece.
And the Greek situation – just like the Lehman collapse provided a cover-story for the massive mult-trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street’s finest in 2008 – is nothing more than an insidious cover-story to enable the Fed/ECB/BOE to print up and inject several more trillion in paper fiat currency in order to bail out the big banks listed above out of their catastrophic insolvency, rendered largely by moral hazard-enabled investment failures made worse by the layering of 10’s of trillions in derivatives over the bad investments.
That’s the bottom line and that’s the Truth that you will never hear about from any politician or any mainstream media source. And here’s what the non-western Central Banks are doing about the political/financial disaster over which they have no control: LINK You’ll note that since 2008, the BRIC Central Banks and other peripheral Asian/South American countries have become big net buyers of physical gold (not GLD and not CEF/GTU). The charts in that article do not include China. China not only does not allow the export of the 300+ tonnes of gold internally mined, it is now the world’s largest importer of physical gold bullion. In other words, China is aggressively and voraciously accumulating physical gold.
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