US is Ready To Attack Iran, Says Ambassador!
- This is a sign that the global economic, financial and currency collapse is imminent. The plan is WW3 just after the collapse! Iran has been cooperating fully in its peaceful nuclear program. It has submitted to numerous inspections and no nuclear bombs or nuclear weapons program were ever found. It is the Zionist west who is lying and fabricating false pretexts, propaganda … to wage war against Iran. Under the Nuclear NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) Iran has every right to a peaceful civilian nuclear power generation program. It is countries like Zionist Israel who refuse to sign the NPT who are the nuclear threat to the world. To goto war against Iran on the suspicion of Iran having a nuclear program, despite all the evidence otherwise, is illegal under international law. It is called mass murder, genocide. (emphasis mine)
US is ready to attack Iran, says ambassador!
US plans for a possible military strike on Iran are ready and the option is “fully available”, Washington’s ambassador to Israel has said, days before Tehran resumes talks with world powers which suspect it of seeking to develop nuclear arms.
The United States has said it considers military force a last resort to prevent Iran using its uranium enrichment to make a bomb. Iran insists its nuclear programme is for purely civilian purposes. But remarks by ambassador Dan Shapiro were the bluntest warning so far to Tehran that its refusal to cooperate could lead to the use of military force by the US or Israel.
“It would be preferable to resolve this diplomatically and through the use of pressure than to use military force,” Ambassador Dan Shapiro said in remarks about Iran aired by Israel’s Army Radio. “But that doesn’t mean that option is not fully available – not just available, but it’s ready. The necessary planning has been done to ensure that it’s ready,” he continued.
The United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany have been using sanctions and negotiations to try to persuade Iran to curb its uranium enrichment, which can produce fuel for reactors, medical isotopes, and, at higher levels of purification, fissile material for warheads.
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