Chris Whalen Drops The F-Bomb on Wall Street While Sounding The Bankruptcy Alarm!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Panetta: Authority of UN Trumps Congress In Getting Approval For War On Syria! by Paul Joseph Watson, Defense Secretary re-affirms Obama administration’s unconstitutional stance Following controversy over his assertion that seeking “international permission” from the UN to launch wars trumps the authority of Congress, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta re-affirmed this premise during …
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[youtube=] “This collapse of JP Morgan Chase actually could trigger a detonation of the entire derivatives bubble!” – Diane Sare, 2:38 onwards end
[youtube=] laroucheyouth On May 17th, Russian Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev remarked that use of nuclear weapons within the period is a reality. This is a policy which the British Empire is pushing through President Barack Obama. Our only choice to avoid this threat is to remove Obama, constitutionally, from power. It is our only hope. …
This coming war against Iran has nothing to do with Iran having nuclear bombs or a nuclear weapons program. They don’t on both issues. It is about the global petrodollar hegemony. It is about creating a distraction for the coming global economic, financial and currency collapse. It is about mass culling of the sheeple using …
[youtube=] “Iran doesn’t frighten me and I don’t think it should frighten the American people. They don’t have a bomb. They haven’t made a decision to build one. They don’t have the means to deliver one. And the Israelis have 300 atomic bombs! I mean who presents the existential threat to whom?” – Pat Buchanan …
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[youtube=] Emergency Broadcast! Lindsey Williams – Radio Liberty 16 May 2012 Lindsey Williams : Get out of paper assets immediately, close your bank account if you do not want to lose it all , buy tangible assets gold silver farmland , Banks runs happening all over Europe , the sign to look for is the …
The global economic, financial and monetary collapse is fast approaching! Aug-Oct 2012?? Brace yourself for this coming storm by accumulating physical gold/silver. – Nationalized Spanish Bank Plummets On News Of Bank Run! by Tyler Durden, The problem with bank runs is that once they start, they don’t stop. And while the world was conveniently …
I do not believe the Illuminists want the PIIGS to return to their national currencies. If Greece returns to the Drachma and begins to return to economic health in 12-18 months, Europeans will question why they need the Euro. Similarly, moves by the Illuminists toward their One World Currency backed by gold will be rejected. Signs of collapsing …
Moody’s Warns Spain It Will Downgrade “More Than 21” Spanish Banks – Expansion! by Tyler Durden, It was such a promising morning for Spain which sold some €2.5 billion in 2015 and 2016 bonds earlier in yet another meaningless and symbolic LTRO-covered exercise, when things went from bad (bank run, pardon, withdrawal meme) to …
The Greece contagion is spreading. The rest of the PIIGS are in the crosshairs! – Spain beset by bank crisis, downgrades, bond pressure! By Carlos Ruano and Julien Toyer | Reuters MADRID (Reuters) – Spain’s borrowing costs shot up at a bond auction on Thursday and its troubled banks suffered a double blow, with shares …
JP Morgue and Goldman Sucks are both Illuminist banks and major shareholders of the Illuminist FedRes. These banksters are the real rulers and the politicians in the District of Criminals (DC) are just their puppets. Accumulate physical gold and silver. They are very cheap! It will kill the vampire bankster too! – The Death Cross: …