William Black on JP Morgan And The Failure To Regulate Wall Street Fraud !
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Recovery or Collapse? Bet on Collapse! by http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ The US financial system and, probably, the financial system of Europe, like the police, no longer serves a useful social purpose. – In the US the police have proven themselves to be a greater threat to public safety than private sector criminals. I just googled “police brutality” …
Bilderberg Agenda Attracts National Exposure! by Paul Joseph Watson, www.Infowars.com Romney policy advisors on defensive over secretive group’s power The secretive Bilderberg Group’s agenda for its 2012 meeting has attracted national attention with an article by veteran Politico journalist Ken Vogel exploring charges that the organization is set to play a decisive role in the …
Target Iran: America and Israel to Officially Unleash MEK Terrorist Cult! by Niall Bradley, http://www.veteranstoday.com/ A couple of months ago, one of those dubious leaks made by “unnamed US officials” caught my eye. US media did something it doesn’t often do; it publicised ‘secret’ Israeli government policy. Giving five minutes of prime time TV to …
[vodpod id=Video.16480242&w=425&h=350&fv=videoId%3D1634748359001%26linkBaseURL%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Faje.me%252FJ0gjX7%26playerID%3D664965303001%26playerKey%3DAQ%7E%7E%2CAAAAmtVJIFk%7E%2CTVGOQ5ZTwJZbyLu770YWZ_LE4OaoU5Nv%26domain%3Dembed%26dynamicStreaming%3Dtrue] The Illuminists want to execute their Satanic World War 3 Plan. At the core of this plan is: Zionist West and their allies vs Muslim World and their allies. The Illuminists are stepping up their propaganda to brainwash the sheeple via fear and hate! The Christian sheeple will be brainwashed into killing Muslims. Unfortunately, many of …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KtDRI7HA9U] This turning on of the Anti Missile Defence (AMD) system is another sign that the Anglo-American-Illuminist west is preparing for war. The reason they give that it is to protect Europe from missiles from rogue nations like Iran is nonsense. Any attempts by Iran to even say they want to launch missiles against Europe will be met …
It is a question of when the Illuminists will pull the plug on the Eurozone. It appears to be Aug-Oct 2012. All the war preparations, exercises, trainings … for an attack on Iran points to: global economic, financial and monetary collapse leading to WW3! – The Elephant In The Room: European Capital (Out)flows And Another €215 …
Where does the ECB, FedRes … Illuminist central banks get their money to do such things? By creating them out of thin air! By simply typing it into their computer system. The sheeple are made to pay back these loans plus interest to these Illuminist banksters! It is all a SCAM! But they want you …
Let me just summarize the points in the article below: – – In an earlier stress test on the banking system by the FedRes, the amount of loss after which JP Morgan must stop its stock buy back program is US$31.5B – JP Morgan just stopped its stock buy back program! – Did The Fed …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9uHUDkTq4] Nigel Farage On Europe’s Economic Suicide! England’s Nigel Farage notes the hypocrisy of the forthcoming summit’s agenda. The Euro itself was supposed to create growth and jobs and yet it is actively destroying both of those things– more of the same – as the medicine is killing the patient. – …and when challenged by …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifZK6SVlQ1Y] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbkvz4hezmU] The Mujahideen were the “database” of Al-Qaeda assets. Al-Qaeda are a controlled opposition force of the Central Intelligence Agency to promote their middle east destabilization process. To give empirical U.S. Military Industrial Complex a reason to invade wherever they want in the ever widening “war on terror” fraud. – The other half of …