The Great Reset | X-Files Season 10 (2016) Prophecies “The Great Reset” Agenda
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Dr. Jane Ruby: Poisoned Human DNA To Cause Suffering For Generations, Science Hijacked For Global Takeover (FULL SHOW) On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane interviews Canadian physician and molecular biologist, Dr. Daniel Nagase who explains how the bioweapon shots from all of the companies are poisoning human DNA for generations to come, followed …
Biden accomplishments 1. Highest gas prices2. Worst inflation3. Plummeting crypto prices4. Highest rent prices ever5. Created new incomprehensible language If you’re reading this and voted for Biden and you still don’t regret it then you are the American problem. — Jake Paul (@jakepaul) June 12, 2022 Jake Paul Rips Biden in Brutal Viral Tweet by …
The Scary War Game Over Taiwan That the U.S. Loses to China Again and Again by Richard Bernstein, , 17 Aug 2020 Lyle Goldstein, U.S. Naval War College: “My appraisal is that Taiwan would fold in a week or two.” – Around a large table with a map and icons representing ships, submarines, planes, …
Pope Doubles Down On NATO-Ukraine Comments: Russian Invasion Was “Provoked” by Tyler Durden, Pope Francis has doubled down on prior controversial statements suggesting the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely NATO’s fault, asserting also that “war cannot be reduced to distinction between good guys and bad guys” – as the Vatican’s own headline to the interview reads. – In …
Israel Warns Assad, Will Bomb Palaces If Iran Operations Continue – Report by YONAH JEREMY BOB, The alleged threat follows after Israel allegedly bombed Damascus International Airport, targeting Iranian shipments. – Israel has threatened to bomb Syrian President Basher Assad’s palaces if he does not cease or reduce military cooperation with Iran within his …
Game Over, They’re Pulling the Plug – Bill Holter by Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said in early April that he thought we did not have much time until the financial meltdown started. He gave it 60 days. Two months later, the meltdown started in earnest right on time. The …
New York State, City Paid $200,000 For Drag Queens Reading To Kids At Public Schools, Records Show by Bill Pan The Epoch Times, via New York City and state combined have paid drag performers more than $200,000 for appearances in New York City public schools since 2018, according to a report. – Drag Story …
Japanese Bond Futures Suffer Biggest Rout Since 2013, Trigger Circuit-Breakers After ‘Soros’-Style Bets Build by Tyler Durden, Circuit-breakers were triggered overnight in the Japanese bond futures markets as the death-match between bond traders and The Bank of Japan played out on its largest scaled yet. – “It’s a challenge by foreign players to YCC …
WW3 Already Declared, Pope Francis Believes by The Pope pointed to conflicts in some parts of Africa, in northern Nigeria and in the north of the Congo, “where war is still raging, and no one cares” – ROME, June 14. /TASS/. World War 3 is already here, La Stampa quoted Pope Francis as saying …
Giant Hedge Fund Goes “Soros” On Bank Of Japan: Bets Billions That Japan, And MMT, Will Break by Tyler Durden, Less than a week ago, we wrote that “As Yen Crash Accelerates, It Puts Catastrophic End Of MMT Experiment In The Spotlight” a less than cheerful assessment about the endgame in Japan echoed on …