Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
As everyone is focused on crypto, the real war is taking place in Japan — zerohedge (@zerohedge) June 15, 2022 Bond Meltdown’s Next Driver Is BOJ Policy Implosion by Garfield Reynolds, Bloomberg Markets Live Commentator and Reporter, via The pace of this week’s Treasuries rout – and post-FOMC relief – has focused most …
Here’s 96 Examples of Food Shortages Being CREATED in Past Year by Keely Compson, Have you heard about all of the farms, distribution centers, and food plants that have been mysteriously burned down or destroyed? The government is not predicting a food shortage. They are creating it! Open your eyes! There are WAY too …
“We Are Teetering On The Edge”: Food Shortage Worries Mount As PA Farms “Crushed” By Record Diesel Prices by Tyler Durden, There’s nothing like the sweet smell of Building Back Better… Pennsylvania farmers are being “crushed” by the record cost of diesel – so much so, that questions about a food crisis are starting …
Health Odyssey Source: ORWELLITO, August 27th, 2021 Dr. Chinda Brandolino on the nanoprocessor in the ‘vaccine’ More information: – Dr. Chinda Brandolino on the nanotechnology founf in vaccination vials. Graphene oxide is a catalyst for a nanoprocessor that makes neurocontrol possible. end
Fauci Under Fire Over Millions in ‘Royalties’ Payments Received from Big Pharma for Covid Vaccines by Frank Bergman, Dr. Anthony Fauci is facing fire after it emerged that he and other federal government vaccine regulators have received millions of dollars in “royalties” from pharmaceutical companies that produce COVID-19 shots. – During a fiery confrontation …
Rafael Yuste 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 IDEOLOGUE of BRAIN CONTROL / On NANO NEURONAL PARASITISM (La Quinta Columna) ================ 🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English – The neuroscientist Rafael Yuste, ideologue of the Brain Project, tells us about how they have discovered the possibility of controlling the human brain using neurotechnology. The intentionality of covid vaccines is only and exclusively this: …