Economy On The Brink: Will This Be The Excuse To Push Digital Dollars?
NEW – Powell: "Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar."
A US central bank digital currency is being examined to "help the US dollar's international standing."
— (@disclosetv) June 17, 2022
- How do you get Americans to move to the digital dollar? You Kill the current dollar and back the digital dollar with gold. Ie. the digital dollar will effectively be a new currency back by gold while the old dollar goes into hyperinflationary collapse. Implied is: the current dollar will not be convertible in a fixed ratio to the digital dollar.
– - Economy On The Brink: Will This Be The Excuse To Push Digital Dollars?
by Jordan Sather,
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to have my every move tracked by the Federal Reserve!
Joe Biden’s economy is crashing as hard as his bicycle.
As of this writing our economy is on the brink of recession, if not at recession levels already. In terms of traditional markets the S&P 500 index is down 24% since it’s highs 6 months ago, the NASDAQ is down almost 33%, the Dow Jones nearly 20. Over 3 trillion dollars have been wiped out from American’s retirement accounts this year alone. It’s been 40 years since inflation has seen it’s current levels, and this is causing Central Banks around the world to raise their interest rates to levels they haven’t done in 30 years. Well, maybe if they didn’t print ungodly amounts of fiat dollars over the last 3 years (over $6.5 trillion in “stimulus” for 2020 alone!), then maybe inflation wouldn’t be this bad?! Be nice if they thought of that sooner. Or maybe they did, and that was the plan.
Then we have gas prices, which have been making new highs every week for months. Areas on the West Coast are already seeing 6 and 7 dollars per gallon. Some gas stations in Washington State have reprogrammed their pumps in anticipation of $10 per gallon later this year. Our genius president is cancelling oil drilling leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico and deciding to tap into our nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves to the tune of 1 million barrels a day for the next 6 months to “address global supply disruptions and volatile energy costs”. These Strategic Reserves are for, you know, when we’re dealing with something like a giant world war or a mega earthquake that cripples our country – not when the nincompoop in the White House and his handlers find it fun to destroy our economy. (Let’s not act like this is an accident)
Not just gas, but prices of other commodities are through the roof right now. Lumber, food, clothing, rent – prices of it all are getting higher than Hunter Biden and it’s stressing the pocketbooks of working class Americans more than ever. Data shows that the average household is paying an extra $400 per month because of the price inflation.
Let’s be honest: we wouldn’t have these issues if these Cabal clowns didn’t cause them in the first place. Good ol’ Hegelian Dialectic in action.
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