New Pxfizer vWacx-ine Images: Self-Assembling Microstructures – Nanotechnology
- New Pfizer vaccine images: Self-assembling microstructures
La Quinta Columna continues to share new images of new Pfizer vials they have obtained. This time, the team of Spanish researchers has focused on microstructures that self-assemble inside the body to form microcircuits. More details are in the following video that Orwell City brings today.–
Note: Don’t forget to check the site’s archive to learn more about the findings and reports made to date by Spanish-speaking researchers.
Text: New Pfizer vaccine images. Haxon Aquiles II microscope.
Ricardo Delgado: There, inside the drop, which is the light white part, you see what looks like a little piece of you-know-what. See? Here the moving objects start to appear. You are appreciating a lateral view of the object. But you’re going to see it later, when it turns around… As it turns around… Let’s say that that’s a lateral view. Here’s an elongated piece. There you can see… Notice that it always has a little dot that’s dragging it, you know?
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