Global C_V-1_9 Vax Absolute Insanity – Dr. Ryan Cole
- Global CV19 Vax Absolute Insanity – Dr. Ryan Cole
by Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Board-certified pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has treated more than 500,000 patients, and he is an expert in postmortem examination. Dr. Cole has a long resume, including a five-year stint at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Cole was one of the very first doctors to come out and question the entire Covid19 narrative and the extreme push for CV19 vaccine injections for all. He has been attacked relentlessly and lost half his medical diagnostic business, but he’s still fighting and telling the truth about the huge lies and deadly mistakes by the medical establishment, especially when pushing the CV19 injections. Dr. Cole says, “I know there was a lot of coercion, which is very unfortunate because it’s not what we do in medicine, yet, for whatever reason, we went into this mass psychosis societally and said, hey, it’s great to experiment on an entire world population, which is absolute insanity. . . . So, we are using a dangerous gene-based product without long term safety studies. A lot of people have received it. We are seeing damage and autoimmune disease. We are seeing death from all causes at increased rates. . . . Scientifically, we are at the beginning . . . . as we go through the complexed mechanisms of what this is doing to the body, I think we are seeing the tip of the iceberg right now. My warning to humanity is don’t get another one of these (CV19 vaccines). It’s a dose dependent poison curve. The more you get, the worse off you are going to be. . . . This is immunological insanity. We need to stop this . . . . Plus, that persistent mRNA, we don’t know when that turns off, and we know that is causing all this immune harm. We need to stop this immediately. We need to stop the FDA and CDC and what they are pushing. . . . We need to wake up and acknowledge there is vaccine harm.”
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