Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Liberty and Finance Bill Holter, contributor to JSMineSet, says the financial system is on “life support.” With the Fed withdrawing stimulus, “it will be all over.” Holding real money – gold and silver – outside the banking system is imperative. He details what he is doing to prepare for what he calls a mathematically certain …
Israeli-Led Central Bank Simulation of Global Financial Cyber Attack is Preparation For The Financial Reset Says Yeadon by A banking crisis simulation conducted recently in Israel is preparation for the ‘Great Reset’, according to Mike Yeadon, former chief scientific officer for Pfizer and pandemic critic. – The 10-day simulation concluded on 9 December in …
Omicron is a Pandemic of the Vaccinated ! Only Vaccinated allowed to Travel. Only Vaccinated Allowed to Dine In, Enter Shopping Centres, Engage in Group Activities … Who is spreading Omicron?? Vaccinated pepople!! – Steve Bannon: “War On The Unvaxx’d Is About To Commence” by TYLER DURDEN, “Get Boosted or Die!” is the message …
This order will remain in effect until the City deems that the threat of COVID-19 to public health has diminished significantly. — Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) December 21, 2021 “Your Time Is Up”: Chicago Mayor Threatens Unvaccinated With Draconian Measures by TYLER DURDEN, Unvaccinated residents of the Democratic stronghold of Chicago have been …
My figures are: at least 1 million civilians murdered in Iraq and at least 250K murdered in Afghanistan. Since their invasion. (These figures, IMO, are highly conservative.) – RT America Newly leaked Pentagon papers show that the US airstrikes across the Middle East have killed thousands of civilians, including many children. According to the New …
Defense Spending Bill Contains ‘Most Significant’ UFO Legislation Since 1960s by BRANDI VINCENT, The legislation calls for details on reported health issues connected to UAP sightings, ‘transmedium objects,’ those that hover near military nuclear sites—and more. – Tucked into the latest, more-than-2,000-page version of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2022 is a …
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes back Bob Coleman from Idaho Armored Vaults. Bob discusses the 2021 demand picture for gold and silver and how the squeeze early in the year took the market by storm. Before covid, the industry was fairly calm but afterward, logistics became far more complicated. We’re seeing an inflationary melt-up but …