Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Children are at NO Risk when it comes to Covid-19. So why expose them to serious side effects like: Myocarditis?? – Drbeen Medical Lectures Vaccines in 5-11 Years Caused 8 Cases of Heart Problems – CDC Announces (Dec 16 2021) CDC said today (Thursday December 16th 2021) that eight children had cardiac inflammation from Pfizer …
See also: – Reuters: Russian central bank to seek ban on investment in cryptocurrencies – Russian Central Bank Looks to Ban Crypto Investments by CHRIS MORRIS, Don’t expect to find any crypto in the Kremlin. Russia’s central bank is seeking to ban cryptocurrency investments, an escalation of the financial authority’s longstanding skepticism toward Bitcoin …
ITM TRADING, INC. To see Lynette’s slides, research links or questions from this video:… – In this Part 2 video, I will highlight my insights over the last few years on Central Banks and what is now moving into the Global Reset. I’ll break down these subjects in the simplest way possible so you …
WION Alina Chan told British MPs that a lab leak is “the most likely” source of the Wuhan virus. She also asked the Lancet to share the research it received from Chinese scientists. Palki Sharma tells you how the lab leak theory is back in focus. end
SGT Report Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report to dissect the evil agenda of the mRNA gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine where the Citadel of the cell is hijacked & forced to manufacture weapons of death, as big pharma and the NWO execute a global coup to hijack God’s creation. end
Top Cardiologist Tells Joe Rogan Of “Intentional Plot” To Suppress Early COVID Treatments by Tyler Durden, In a recent appearance with Joe Rogan, Dr. Peter McCullough explained that from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a concerted effort to instill fear and conceal a protocol for early treatment of the disease in …
Wall Street Silver Bank bail-ins are becoming more and more of a hot topic. With changes in the laws, banks in the USA will have the ability to “bail-in” your money during a financial crisis. The same thing happened in the European Union back in 2013 in Cyprus. Lynette Zang walks us through steps to …
Twitter Has Changed Their Terms Of Service To Provide Penalties For Anyone Who Dares Tell The Truth That Vaccinated People Can Spread COVID by Geoffrey Grider, “When tweets include misleading information about Covid-19, we may place a label on those tweets that includes corrective information about that claim,” the website notes in a section detailing …
Video: Rand Paul Warns COVID Mandates Are “About Conditioning The American Individual To Submit To Government” by Steve Watson, “If you love the dictates on vaccines, you’ll love it when Fauci is in charge of who can be dialyzed” – Senator Rand Paul has warned that as long as Americans continue to submit to …
Twitter To Punish Users Who Correctly Claim That Vaccinated Individuals Can Still Spread COVID-19 by Tyler Durden, Twitter, which dubs itself the arbiter of medical misinformation through its constellation of conflicted ‘fact-checkers,’ will start imposing penalties on users who claim that vaccinated people can spread Covid-19… – …a claim made by none other than the …
‘Stomach-Wrenching’ Report Reveals Secret US Strike Command’s High Civilian Death Toll by BRETT WILKINS, The unit, called Talon Anvil, is said to have killed Syrian civilians at 10 times the rate of similar airstrikes elsewhere in the so-called War on Terror. – Peace advocates on Monday responded to a report about a U.S. military unit that …
Liberty and Finance Gold and silver rallied amid the Fed’s double taper. Chartist Steve Penny says markets already priced in the seemingly hawkish decision by the Fed. He says it is impossible for the Fed to normalize rates. He sees negative real interest rates for a long while, which is “rocket fuel” for gold. If …
The 700 Club Police helicopters look for lockdown violators. Officers have fired rubber bullets and tear gas at anti-lockdown protesters, including children. Pregnant women arrested. Pastors thrown in jail. Australia has unleashed such control that many are calling it a police state. CBN’s Dale Hurd has the report. Read the full story here:… end