THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION—PART 5: The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope
- THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION—PART 5: The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope
by SkyWatch Editor,
You have probably been wondering about the “advanced technology” in the acronym VATT; in that regard, when it comes to high-end telescopes, power comes down to the primary mirror. The Steward Observatory Mirror Lab also had its impetus around 1980 with the backyard experimentation by Professor Roger Angel. Melting his own ovenware in a homemade kiln, he pioneered the use of Pyrex glass, employing a honeycomb structure for crafting superior quality telescope mirrors. The honeycomb design allows the lab to produce lightweight, yet extremely rigid, mirrors of unprecedented size. Using spin-casting techniques and a special polishing process, the Steward lab produces superior mirrors. Some have suggested this innovation was fueled by more than astronomical ambitions.
While science and technology afford us great luxury and convenience, they also bring us nuclear weapons and mustard gas. Jeffrey St. Clair, writing for Counter Punch, reports a little-known connection to the infamous Star Wars Defense Initiative: “The giant mirrors that power the Mt. Graham scopes have also been touted for their dual use nature: both as stargazers and as a potential component in the Star Wars scheme, wherein the mirrors would reflect laser-beam weapons on satellites and incoming missiles.”[i] While it is unknown (and likely classified) whether the military industrial complex is secretly using the Steward Lab for space weapons, it has had prodigious success.
The first production test of the Steward lab in 1985 was a 1.83-meter mirror that was subsequently offered to the VORG in exchange for an agreement to share a quarter of its viewing time with the school. In astronomy, viewing time on a state-of-the-art instrument is a precious commodity, and you won’t find anyone sleeping at night on top of Mt. Graham. The VORG represents another novel nocturnal species inhabiting the “Sky Island.”
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