The ‘Great Reset’ Is About Replacing Capitalism With Socialism (Under A NWO)
- The ‘Great Reset’ Is About Replacing Capitalism With Socialism (Under A NWO)
by JD Heyes,
Donald Trump’s presidency has so frightened globalists around the world that they are literally pulling out all the stops to destroy him and the greatest country in the history of the world — the United States.
Why? Because a powerful, wealthy, stable America, which Trump created before the Wuhan coronavirus, is anathema to the socialist, Marxist authoritarian world they want to create — and then run.
To do that, however, the globalists must first discredit, and then replace, our founding principle of capitalism, the world’s only economic model that has been wildly successful for the majority of people who live under it. And of course, like other leftists, the globalists are going to exploit the COVID-19 “pandemic” to get their way. Breitbart News reports:
The coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for a “new kind of capitalism” and “great reset” of global economies, politics, and societies, according to World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab.
In an article published Monday by the WEF, an impatient Schwab claims neo-liberalism is dead and with it traditional notions of economic capitalism. In their place is a set of “Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics” the WEF says enables the world to progress under one set of overarching rules as drawn up by it, with “social justice” a key component of this brave new world.
Let’s get some things straight: These multimillionaire and multibillionaire globalists (like Schwab) don’t give a rat’s you-know-what about “social justice.”
Like the coronavirus, that is just another tool for them to exploit in order to enact their agenda.
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