CBDC, Digital Euro, Digital Dollar And Global Central Bank Coming – Be Prepared
- The Atlantis Report
CBDC, Digital Euro, Digital Dollar And Global Central bank Coming – Be Prepared The US Dollar is falling, Paving the way to CBDC, Digital Euro, and to Prevent Bank Runs. Investors are running away from the dollar as the Fed continues debasing it. Meanwhile, the Fed is preparing for the introduction of digital Dollars and a ban on cash. The European ECB also announced the introduction of the digital Euro. The biggest overhaul in monetary and currency history is quietly taking place just behind the scenes. On September 22, the ECB quietly filed to trademark the term “digital euro” (which appropriately enough abbreviates to “DE” to instill a sense of German patriotism. CBDCs Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Coming. It’s not a question of “if,” but “when” at this point. This is going to be the biggest change to the global financial system since Bretton Woods. The IMF recently held a conference on digital currencies and cross-border payment systems. More entities are trying to get away from the dollar and implement Central Bank Digital Currencies in the future instead. These CBDC’s will enable central banks to go around the banking and financial system and give or take money (tax or transfer payments) directly. This will affect banking in the future and will affect your rights.
