Antichrist And The Final Solution’s Coming Global Government
- Antichrist And The Final Solution’s Coming Global Government
by SkyWatch Editor,
Satanic rage, in our view, exploded following the presidential election of 2016 in America. Never in the history of the nation had there been an all-out effort to destroy a presidency. The effort was clear from the very outset—even before the inauguration took place in January 2017.
The United States was clearly on track to having its sovereignty dissolved in order to meld with the burgeoning internationalist blueprint for a changed world order. A new president declared he planned to “drain the swamp” and “Make America great again.” Draining the swamp meant removing entrenched bureaucrats who wanted the nation to continue down the road toward globalism. Making America great again meant that the new president wanted to bring the country to the full achievement capacity he saw as still within America’s people.
We saw the development of the term “deep state,” the name given the cabal within the US government and other governments of the world devoted to creating a one-world system of control. Although this term and the considerations behind it are called conspiratorial lunacy and even worse, the evidence that the deep state exists is indelibly etched within the fabric of geopolitics.
America’s intelligence agencies—FBI, CIA, NSA, and others—in conjunction with a political party in opposition to the newly elected president, were caught in efforts to falsely accuse him in order to, we charge, achieve a coup d’état. The mainstream news—networks and cable outlets that are supposed to report, not create, the news—joined in to try to bring President Donald J. Trump down.
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